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I feel myself worn out,as my eyelids began to shut slowly. Lucifer grunts and slump beside me ,his breathing ragged. He pulls my naked and tired body against his , and wraps his arms around me from behind. He moves my head to the side , and kisses my neck on the side .

"Was it good ,cara mia?" He asks , his fingers on my bare skin . I faintly nod , before drifting off to sleep , but not before hearing the three words that make my heartbeats rise everytime.

"I love you".




I woke up to someone lightly kissing my neck . I opened my eyes slowly, as I saw the man that made love to me all night . The man that changed my whole life .

"Beautiful ". He whispered ,before proceeding on kissing my neck and down to my shoulder.

"What are you doing ?" I whispered- asked , trying not to stutter between my words .Memories of last night came back to me like a bomb, as I remembered every single thing. I felt my cheeks flushing, as I tried to hide them with my hands .

Awkward silence surrounded the room before Lucifer broke the silence . " Do you regret what happened last night?" He asked , hope filling his eyes .

Do I regret last night ?

No . I loved every single second of it , even though I wanted to keep my virginity after marriage.It's not that I can tell him that I loved it right ? I don't want him to think that I am just a quick hook up, and that he can easily have his ways with me.

"Uhmm I-I don't k-know" . I stuttered. I saw pain flashes through his eyes as soon as I said those words. He quickly nodded,  before disappearing behind the bathroom's door .

Did I ruin everything now ?



"There will be some investors coming tonight at dinner . We will be discussing about work and all , you can stay in our room okay ?" Lucifer said as he wore his business suit .

"You're going to the company?" I asked surprised . He sights before nodding slightly. This is the first time in two months since he last went to the company.

"B-but I am your assistant. Shouldn't I be with you ?" I asked him confused.

"I already have a new assistant, she is highly qualified. We don't need your help. " He said in his harsh ,cold voice . I backed away a little bit , in fear of him shouting at me . He had never been cold to me and now all of a sudden , he is being rude towards me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I tried to touch his shoulder but he flinches, as like I would burn him with my touch . Without another glance, he walks straight to the front door, leaving me all alone .

I decided to clean the house a little, since we have no maids . Lucifer didn't want anyone to bother us , as he also forbid me to work , or talk to anyone. I felt bored within half an hour , and decided to call my mom . I haven't called her yet ..... well because of last night.

"Hi mom". I said through the phone, as I sat comfortably on the bed .

"Good god , where have you been ?!". My mom spoke in her Irish accent. Yeah my mom is Irish but I couldn't catch the accent, even though I wanted to . You could tell I'm dumb .

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