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Word Count: 2076

Managing to have found the smoothest slab of stone in the cave, I lay myself upon it.

It's cold, but the fire Marek has created helps. Despite the flames licking up the cave wall, magnificent shadows dancing tauntingly upon us, the heat doesn't reduce the chill that has crept across my skin. Seeing Marek use his abilities, kill someone...I can't get it out of my head. And despite the fact that he saved me, when he could have sacrificed me and escaped, he chose to protect me, I refuse to trust him.

And he's still protecting me. But I'm not foolish enough to think I can trust him, especially since I'm likely still his prisoner. If I try to run, he will chase me, or maybe even use his abilities on me again.

Marek sits on a rock a few steps away from me, prodding the fire with a singed stick. I can't read his expression, but that doesn't bother me. I'm fascinated with his face, where the markings of a Summoners unused power dwells has now vanished. Remnants remain, dusted along his hairline, now in a dark shade of sapphire.

"They are going to be coming for us," he murmurs. Loosening a breath, I stare out to the edge of the cave, where a flurry of snow dances, leaving patches not far from us. It's going to be a cold night, so I'm grateful for the fire Marek created, and his coat which is still draped across me.

Even if it's taking every part of me not to get up and run away. I would never survive in this weather, and even if Marek has made it clear he doesn't want me dead, I don't want to test his trust by making a run for it.


His eyes find mine. "I'm simply warning you."

I sigh, sitting up. He watches me do so, my movements still slightly uneasy, with the drug still ebbing through my bloodstream. That may be concern, or maybe even regret that flickers through his eyes, before he blinks, and it vanishes.

"You must get lonely, spending your whole life hunting," I find myself saying. It's a risk, digging under his skin with these remarks. But he doesn't flinch, or appear irritated for even a moment. His mask reduces, revealing somewhat of a solemn expression.

"It's no lonelier of a life than what it would be if I didn't hunt," he admits, setting his stick down beside him.

I want to ask about his family, his past, but the words fall short before the touch my lips. It's not business any of mine, nor should I care, but I can't help my curiosity. I look at him and see a beautifully dangerous, lethal man with unspoken magic - magic he hadn't used in years, and never intended to. I can't help but wonder...

"Why do it, is all?"

"Why believe in your Tani?" he questions. I can feel incipient anger increasing within me, which I quickly shun down. He comes from another life, another way of being raised that is unfamiliar with my villages practice. I can blame him for wanting to kill my Tani, but not for that.

"It's all I've ever known," I admit.

Thinking back to my village, I was always schooled from home. Once a week, our community would gather to pray and sing and connect with each other, sharing knowledge on our Tani. Because my schooling was so focused on my belief, I've developed little skills or hobbies. I regret that about my life everyday.


I settle back against the cave wall. Has all he ever known hunting? He's so strange, his backstory frosted over, never allowed to be touched. I shouldn't ask anymore about him, though.

"Believing in a Tani is peaceful, however blind my faith may be," I tell him pointedly. A frown flutters across his face, his eyebrows furrowing. He seems shocked at what I've admitted to him, which I can't blame him for. I don't know how many people from my village would admit there is a possibility my faith could be unjustified.

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