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Word Count: 2621

My hands brush against the wall, letting it guide me down the hallway as the darkness blinds me.

I'm not sure where I'm going, but it's far from the commotion downstairs. The screaming has ceased, but there are a lot of people moving, like the rebel group are rounding people up and moving them about. How many are there? Tai should be okay down there, but what if he isn't? He needs to stay for his people, but part of me wishes I had encouraged him to come with me.

Suddenly, the lights in the hallway flicker on. Flinching, I cover my eyes until they adjust to the sudden assault of light, and once they finally do, I realise that Vaia is standing in the hallway with me.

She looks startled to see me too, her dark hair swept back off her shoulders, the dark jacket she is wearing nothing like I've ever seen her in before. It's slightly too bulky for her lithe figure, the hood pulled up part way, shrouding her sharp features with shadow.

"Vaia, we need to get out of here," I say anxiously, realising she must have just come from her room, wanting to escape this all before the rebels come up to the top floor. That is until I realise grinly what is strapped to her thigh. "You have a knife."

"You should never have come here. Everything was fine until you did," she says lowly, looking over me with cold eyes, her usually light, verdant irises deepened to a dark shade that's closer in resemblance to Tai.

My lips are dry as I lick them. "What are you talking about?"

"We were gaining control of the throne. You had to come here and bring my father, to strengthen Tai's place," she says smoothly, although the cruel intent that lingers under her tone is painfully evident. It strikes me that Vaia hates me, hates a lot, it seems. She's looking at me as if she wants to use that knife on me, especially as she takes a single step toward me, which I match back warily.

It also hits me that this isn't a random interaction with the spoilt princess. Vaia is a part of what is going on downstairs, a part of the power cut and whatever terrorising it taking place. At first it doesn't make sense to me as of why, although I have to admit that I don't need to know why. Vaia is impulsive by nature, so who knows what she has gotten herself into.

"You're a rebel," I say flatly, narrowing my eyes on her.

"You hated Tai, and yet you still let him marry you," she growls. I adjust myself, wondering if she is even in the right mind. Her appearance is not as close to immaculate than what I've been used to, suggesting that whatever she is going through has already started to change her. Unless of course, she's been this way before.

I listen keenly behind me to ensure no one is coming up behind me, not wanting to take my eyes off Vaia and the knife her fingertips linger near. "Why are you doing this, Vaia? He's your brother?"

"I will never see power, money or happiness with him as King, as my father as King," she tells me, her voice suddenly starting to shake with adrenaline. I sigh through my nose,understanding that at my core."They could give me land, but they won't because I'm female. Do you know what that feels like?"

I've heard how Kailor has spoken about Vaia, about how he doesn't trust her with power, which I have every suspicion is to do with her being a female. Yet I am also sure that if she spoke to Tai he would happily hand her over some land, some money. In fact, he would encourage more. But I have the feeling she doesn't just want to escape this life and start anew...She wants the power all to herself.

"So you betray them?"

"I lead this rebel group. We have ideas for better use of the land, for our people to finally be free," she explains, taking yet another step toward me. I hold my hand out, watching her carefully.

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