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Word Count; 2095

Days have passed, and I'm still avoiding Marek.

What I've come to realise in his absence is so unnerving, I dread the moment we cross paths again. I have feelings for Marek, in a way that twists in my stomach, warms my cheeks and has my heart racing when the thought of him crosses my mind. I've been attracted to him this entire time, since I laid eyes on him, but now it's deepened to something dark and dangerous.

I can't think about this, not right now. Not when I'm on my way to see Tai, after he requested to meet me in his gardens. Tai and I are engaged, at least for now. If we are going to make this work, I have to act pleasant with him, to not arise suspicion.

Tai meets me outside, bathed in the golden sunlight as midday draws closer.

He's not dressed like a King today, which admittedly, I much prefer. As I approach, I note how the deep green of his tunic darkens his eyes, turning that emerald green into a colour far more consistent with the hues of the forest looming behind him. He never wears a crown, opting often for glittering rings on his fingers, all depicting ancient legacies I couldn't begin to understand. Yet today, as I stand in front of him, I notice his fingers are bare, his entire body stripped of all evidence of his royal position.

"I'm hoping this isn't a date," I say carefully, falling into step beside him as he motions toward his gardens, protected by a thick layer of hedge.

He angles his head toward me, the faintest hint of a smile brushing at his lips. "Would it be a sin if I said I hoped it would be."

Yes. The biggest possible sin, in my book.

"We may be engaged, but it's merely a formality until your father arrives," I remind him. The last thing I need is for him to start thinking there is a possibility for more between us to blossom. And I don't feel that way just because I've come to terms with how I feel about Marek. Messing around with a King isn't on my current agenda.

Tai smiles, eyes glittering warmly. "Ouch. Tear me down, huh?"

"Shouldn't you be mourning the father you're about to kill?" I question, as we step through the entrance of the hedge maze, the gravel crunching under our feet as we wander around aimlessly. Tai offered a walk, and I obliged. I'm not sure what he has planned.

"No, I won't mourn him,"  He murmurs, his sigh releasing along with the teasing delight we shared. "He's not exactly a good father."

I shiver, suddenly uncomfortable as the air around us turns cold despite the warm gusts of sun soaked breeze that brush past us. More royal drama, no doubt. My relationship with my family has always been so simple, aside from my fathers recent absence due to his participation in the war. My mother and I share a joint love for our Tani that has forged deep into our relationship.

"Why doesn't he rule here?"

"He gave me his throne when I was young. He wanted to expand territory, to split the family line to keep growing. His goal is to take over the entirety of the Jade Province, and challenge Tyrien," he tells explains as we delve deeper into the garden.

Tai's lips quirk up slightly, as if he knows how ridiculous it sounds that his father wants to threaten Tyrien's reign. He's the most powerful King to exist in this land, ruling over every Province. Despite his rule being so powerful, there are still conflicts between Provinces.

"I wasn't scared to be near him, but I suppose I am now," I admit. A older, far wiser King sounds dangerous...Especially if he's being lured here by the mention of me.

"You don't have to worry, I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Especially not involving him," he assures me softly. Releasing a long breath, I share his smile. As long as Tai doesn't allow his father to order my death, I should be fine. Or maybe I'll be lucky enough to flee before he arrives.

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