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Word Count: 1642

I knock on the door, my breath hitched in my throat.

The note is crumpled in my hand, but I brought it nonetheless. I'm here less out of necessity, and more out of curiosity. Vaia summoned me to her quarters with a quickly written note, containing nothing but a few words. I'm frightened she's here to pummel me over the head for being in her brothers company, or rip the clothes from my body and claim them as hers.

As much as Vaia is not my favourite person in this place, she does have a beautiful quarter all to herself, that I find myself envying. From rich wooden floors sweeping up to pale wallpaper, the place is furnished neatly with a few rugs, furniture and most impressively, hand-built, carved bookshelves laden with an endless supply of books.

And this is only her living space I was escorted through my one of her maidens. Her bedroom still looms before me, protected by the door I just knocked upon.

She whisks open the door so suddenly I step back. She looks so jarringly casual, considering the last time I saw her. A white mink robe is draped over her shoulders, tied tightly around her waist. That dark, coffee coloured hair has been haphazardly thrown into a bun, a few strands raining down around her ears and forehead.

"You wanted to see me?" I say breathlessly, almost forgetting why I'm here for a moment. Vaia frowns, before it seems click in her mind.

"Yes, get in here," she demands, grabbing my wrist to yank me into her room. She quickly closes her door, leaning her back against it. "Did anyone see you?"

"Ahh, no, I don't think so?"

"Good, I'm glad you made it," she comments earnestly, wrapping her arms around herself.
I can't imagine what universe I've stepped into to have Vaia glad to see me. Regardless, I look around the room, drinking in the sight of wealth and decadence that I never experienced in my childhood, yet evidently, she has.

The room is dressed in colours of blush and turquoise. The richness of the blue is splayed across her bedspread along with a myriad of cushions and thick, fluffy pillows. The mink rug beneath my feet is a beautiful, soft peony pink, which is the same colour painted across her dresser and vanity, her armoire and bedside tables. Daisy white curtains billow gently in the sweet morning breeze, fluttering with the edges of Vaia's hair.

"Can I ask why I'm here?" I mean, I thought you didn't like me," I murmur, resting my back against her door. With graceful elegance, she wanders over to her bed, sitting upon the edge, crossing her long legs over each other.

"I didn't ask you to my room because I want to be best friends. I need a favour," she quips, playing with a silver bracelet strapped over her wrist, adorned with a variety of crystal charms. Did Tai give her that, or perhaps a lover? I can't help but wonder what their relationship is like.

I bite the inside of my cheek, surprised at her eagerness for payment back on information about Tai. "Already?"

"Yes. I met someone, who you know," she murmurs deviously.

It takes me a moment to realise who she is referring to. "Marek?"

She tilts her head, hair cascading immaculately. The way she taps the tip of her finger against her full, rose tinted lips, the way her eyes glitter with an unscrupulous promise, has my stomach turning over. I'm unsure of who I'm more afraid for. Vaia, a powerful princess taking interest in Marek could mean him losing all his power to freedom. And a Hunter taking interest in a pretty, strong woman could turn him away from helping me escape.

"That's his name? Oh that's so perfect," she flushes, the giggle that escapes her having me shift uncomfortably. I don't think I want to sit here and have her talk about Marek like that.

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