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Word Count: 1800

This is not how I expected my night to go.

Only an hour ago, Vaia summoned me to her bedroom, for what I expected would be to do with her date with Marek tonight. I was right, but not exactly in the way I expected. As I walked in, Vaia had her duvet pulled up to her chin, surrounded by plush feather pillows and an extensive collection of tissues.

For twenty minutes, I sat at the edge of her bed, listening to her cry dramatically, as if a date with Marek determines how the rest of her life will play out. I didn't have the heart to tell her Marek is doing this for my benefit.

Eventually, after her shrill cries got too much, I hesitantly agreed to go on her behalf. In her strange reality, she is convinced Marek won't agree to another date if she doesn't go tonight. Somehow, I think she is right, so despite it not being in my best interest, I agree to go, and hope Marek agrees to another date with her.

The plan, to meet him and announce it's me, and hope that he will feel bad enough to agree to my terms. If I can do it once, maybe I can do it again.

Once I returned to my room, I was greeted by Jessa, already wearing the servant clothes Tai's people must have provided her with. After a quick catch-up, Jessa found out about my faux date tonight, and now I'm sitting in front of a mirror while she does my hair.

"Do you think this is a bad idea?" I ask softly.

"Do I think you going on a date on behalf of Vaia with this Marek guy is a bad idea? Yes, absolutely," she mutters in that perfectly Jessa tone of hers. "He's not going to be impressed."

I stare back at myself, hating how pretty I find myself. It's not in a vain way, I simply never get to see myself in makeup, with my blonde curls in perfect condition. Jessa insisted that I couldn't do in my usual attire; that the place Vaia and Marek planned to meet wouldn't suit me otherwise. As much as I hate her for it, I have to agree. This may not be a real date, but I'm still leaving the manor to be in someone's company at a nice eating place.

"But if I don't go, Vaia will likely kill me for ruining their date, even though she's the one who got sick," I mutter, releasing a stressed breath.

"At least you look stunning in that dress," Jessa comments, twisting the front parts of my hair back to pin them neatly, like I remember she used to do for Fran before work some days. "Maybe he will be happier you came on the date with him instead of Vaia."

Looking down at myself, I pray Jessa doesn't notices my crimson tinted cheeks which were previously pinched by Jessa to bring some colour to them. The dress I wear is simple, but looks proper enough to go out in public in. It's blue, to match my eyes, although far deeper in colour.

"But it can't be too friendly. Vaia wants it to go well, but not, 'Akara flirts with Marek' well," I remind her. I don't want Marek to flirt with me, to be interested in me. It would complicate our already tumultuous relationship too much.

Jessa sprays me with some kind of heady scent, nearly making me sneeze. "Do you feel weird about it?"


"Do you feel weird about going on a date with Marek?" She questions.

I let that question hang in the air for a moment as I think about it. Weird doesn't begin to describe how strange it feels. Once Marek knows at me, it won't be awkward. We will have dinner, he will agree to go on another date with Vaia, and everything will work out. And maybe I'll get something from Vaia again.

"He's not dating me. I'm doing Vaia a favour," I remind her tersely. In the mirror I see her faint smile. I didn't take me long to explain everything in detail to her, including the kidnapping, including my engagement to Tai. She was ghostly pale through it all, yet was surprisingly receptive, believing me without hesitation.

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