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Word Count: 2096

Of all the things I've done in the past week, this is my biggest lapse in judgment.

Still, I've snuck my way through the hallways, night having falling at it's latest hour; right at midnight. I could be walking into a trap, into a plot for Marek to try our escape so he can resume what his original plan was. Killing my Tani. Yet still, with one tentative foot in front of the other, I slip out through the empty kitchen downstairs, and outside.

Taius's demand echoes throughout my head, as I wrap my jacket tightly around my limbs, inwardly cursing my foolishness for coming out here.  It's unlikely he will catch us, though. His Guards are primarily out front at these hours, right by the gate.

I look around the backyard, for any sign of the Hunter. His letter was cryptic, but alluring enough for him to be sure I would join him out here, at this hour.

"You came."

I jump, whirling around. Marek emerges from the darkness, almost like he belongs there. He's dressed completely in black, from his coat to his shoes. His once bronze hair is casted in shadow, now appearing as dark as obsidian. And his usual, his eyes leave my mouth drying, a brighter shade of blue than I've seen before.

"I'm stupid for coming here," I blurt out, unsure of what else to say. My nerves have bubbled up dramatically inside me, as I mull over how much of a bad idea it is for me to be out here. I don't know Marek, nor do I trust him. Yet here I am.

His eyes glint, catching the moonlight. "No, you're curious."

I narrow my eyes, retreating backward a few steps. Marek looks blissful unworried, considering the risks of us being caught together. With his hands stuffed in his pockets, his head angled to look at me carefully, he seems so unbothered, it's frightening. He's not scared of Tai, I realise. At least not as scared as I am.

"Don't say that. You're still my kidnapper," I mutter, wrapping my arms around myself. Despite the balmy kiss to the night air, I'm chilled through my coat.

"You're not going to let that one go, are you," he remarks smoothly, his tone lower and sultry, laden with unspoken allure.

Wordlessly he nods toward the forest, which borders the edge of Tai's estate. Falling into step with him, I ignore the dark shadow that falls over me. Anything could be possible tonight, which is a dangerous thought to dwell on. Marek could do anything, could hurt me, seduce me or frighten me. Or worse, Tai could find us and have us thrown into prison. Yet I still walk with him, swallowing past a lump in my throat at the sight of the nearing forest, ebony shades melting into the forests supple green, which can be seen even as night has fallen.

"Not unless you're going to get us out of here right now," I reply to his remark, shuddering at the heady fragrance of the forest and all its native ferns and foliage. The moment I step past the first tree, I let my senses bristle, keeping me alert.

"I'm still working on our escape plan. His guards stick to the perimeter of his territory, we would be caught immediately if we even get close," Marek explains, lifting a low branch for me to step under. "It's much larger than I thought. Another hunter told me about it this morning, about how he separates his territory with outer and inner borders. Even if we pass the inner border, we would have to travel many hours to reach the outer, which I still know little about."

"Then why call me out here?" I ask.

"Thought you would want some air," he admits, dappled moonlight streaming through the canopy drenching his hair and skin in a silvery-white glow. "And I wanted to teach you how to use a bow, how to wield a knife. You never know when you'll need it in this place."

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