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Word Count: 1658

I was sent back to my room that night with a bandage taped to my head. Like I suspected, it was nothing more than a surface wound, so I fell into a Summoner filled sleep with little pain to accompany it.

Now I'm awake, a threadbare shawl wrapped over my shoulders as I make my way downstairs. My steps are tentative as I warily keep my eye out for any suspicious activity. The Summoner that came for Tai will be miles away by now if they haven't already been caught, which is both an unsettling thought, but also a comforting one.

Walking down the stairs, I pause as I hear voices, realising one of them is Tai. Ducking down, I look around to where he stands with one of his guards, his brow furrowed with concern. Above him, the large mullioned dome ceiling allows the morning sunlight in, alighting the King and his guard in an angelic glow despite their solemn tone.

"I want as many of my men investigating into nearby towns," Tai orders, that curt King-like tone making me shiver. The gentle, soft nature I experienced yesterday has vanished as he steps back into that role.

"Yes sir."

"If you find any hint of rebellion, bring people in. I don't want anyone slipping through my fingers," he demands. Rebellion? He speaks lowly, to the point I almost don't hear him, meaning this exchange isn't meant to be shared. Are they hiding something?

"Of course, your majesty."

"And please, ensure that an event like that doesn't happen again. Do whatever is necessary to stop intruders from getting inside." The guards nods, his expression as dark and sinister as the clothing he dons. Tai's guards have never appeared ordinary, wearing only black while they watch from the shadows, rather than stand in the open as a visual deterrent.

The guard crosses his hands behind his back, his stance firm. "The guards are concerned about the intruder being a Summoner."

I know what the presence of a Summoner means here, in the Jade province. Summoners are not accepted in other Provinces, so it's uncommon for one to leave, especially to the Jade Province, where people are far more traditional. If  Summoner's are leeching into this Province, it could put more people in danger, as in this province, people aren't educated about the abilities of Summoners.

"As am I. What's an Azure Province native doing here? I know we are close to the border, but this is ridiculous," Tai says, starting an errant pacing.

My fingers reach up to brush the soft bandage on my forehead, considering how foolish I must look. Quickly, I peel at the adhesive, letting the supple padding fall away. It's just a cut, hardly visible to the naked eye.

"We have a team investigating the incident thoroughly," I hear the guard say, just as I turn around to slip back up the stairs.

Turning around, I stalk back up the stairs, deciding that today it might be better if I stick to my room. However the moment my feet touch the second level, I see Marek approaching, dressed in his hunting clothing, hair brushed back by his hand.

Of course.

Lowering my eyes, I don't breathe, especially as his shoulder brushes mine as he passes. I'm not ready to talk about that night, to relive what I have been desperately trying to shut out. If I think about it, it becomes real. I kissed Marek...

"Woah, Akara..." he breathes, pausing in his spot. Inwardly cursing, I turn around, plastering a soft smile onto my face. "We should talk."

Without my control, my eyes wander down to his lips, sinful thoughts I refuse to explore suddenly appearing at the forefront of my mind.

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