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Word Count: 2702

I stare at my bedroom door, knowing who lingers outside it.

Tai brought me up to my room only twenty minutes ago, having danced with me until my feet ached, which they currently still do. He was almost too polite, telling me firmly not to leave my room before leaving.

I may not be planning to leave my room, however it's not as if I'm about to sleep with the alcohol still streaming through my blood. In fact, this strange buzz has me itching to open my door and speak to Marek, who I know is guarding my door like he is supposed to, on high alert due to the increased number of people mulling about tonight.

With a devious smile on my face, I open the door, taking in the stoic hunter who turns to look at me, confused.

"Good evening," I murmur, leaning my back against the doorframe as I regard Marek coyly.

It's hardly fair how devastatingly attractive he is, his unnatural beauty accentuated by the low lighting and the shadows it casts. He wears his usual black work clothing, but tonight it appears to cling to his taut, rigid build perfectly. It's not just the alcohol, I realise. I want him, desire him...perhaps even love him.

He narrows his eyes.. "Are you drunk?"

"No, although definitely a bit tipsy," I note, pinching my cheek to check for numbness, finding a sharp bite of pain. Nope, definitely not drunk. Unless of course, Jessa lied to me that time and her trick doesn't work. "I've never had any alcohol before."

"You should go back into your room and get some sleep," Marek mutters, turning his attention back to where he was staring blankly at the ivory painted corridor wall. Of course. He chooses now to resume his bored guard façade.

I sigh out my nose, regarding him with an evidently irritated expression that still doesn't seem to get his attention. His icy blue eyes simply stare forward as if I don't exist, matching the brittle colour of his marking, which only seems to be growing. Over the past few weeks the silver and sapphire flecks have fallen like snow around his temples and between his eyebrows, a light dusted sheen that doesn't go away when touched.

"I can't sleep. I need someone to talk to," I remark stubbornly.

His eyebrow raises, before his expression softens. With a gentle sigh, he turns to face me, leaning a shoulder against the wall.

"Is this about your mother?" He asks. My throat tightens at the reminder of why I drank so much tonight...and then ate so much. I don't even mind that Marek can likely see the curve of my stomach in this dress. I have no reason not to be confident. "I saw everything. I can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling right now."

I shrug, a faint, pathetic smile touching my lips. "Sad yet not surprised. I've always had the feeling she loved her Tani over me."

Likely seeing through my blasé dismissal, Marek frowns, stepping toward me. "Akara..."

"Don't...Us being near each other is not a good idea right now," I decide quickly, backing up a few steps so his heady cinnamon and pine scent doesn't overwhelm me. Marek doesn't need to know the true reason why I ventured out here at his hour to bother him.

His gaze sweeps over me, confused. "Why's that?"

"I'm tipsy and my inhibitions are admittedly lowered," I admit carelessly, before realising what's coming out of my mouth right now. It's too late to stop now. "Like why else would I be thinking of ripping your clothes off right now."

Although his eyebrows raise questionably, Marek doesn't look shocked. In fact, he looks rather amused. The glacial coldness seeps from his eyes, replaced by a glittering interest that he had been hiding from earlier. If only he knew that beneath this robe I'm wearing nothing more than a camisole and panties.

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