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Word Count: 1921


I'm writing to let you know I'm safe. I have no doubt me leaving abruptly in the night troubled you, but know everything is okay.

I have a job now, a better one. You'll never believe it, but I'm working for a King. I wish you and Fran could get a job too. I miss you two. Anyways, I hope you're doing well, and if you wish to write back, then send it to this address.


I set the pen down, mulling over my words.

I spent only a week and a half with Jessa and Fran, and already, there's a hollow space in my stomach left behind in their wake. It's hardly as strong as the dull ache that persists through my daily life as I think about my mother, my old life I may never get back. Perhaps my connection to the girls is due to them being apart of my first experience in my new life, away from home.

All I know, is it felt right to have this written down, even if I can't convince Tai to allow me to send it. It feels to easy to broach the subject of speaking to my mother, especially with the Noble's arriving.

Suddenly, my door bursts open, making me flinch.

Tai walks in, crimson tinting his cheeks, dark strands wildly mussed around his forehead. I stumble back a few steps, thankful I'm decent, yet still taken aback by his sudden intrusion. My mind tumbles into dark places, as I consider the likelihood of Tai coming to finally make me his mistress.

"Taius...what are you doing in my room?" I question anxiously, fingers fidgeting with my necklace out of nervous habit.

"The Nobles have arrived," he says breathlessly, laying a palm over his chest. My breath hitches, not expecting their arrival to be so prompt. Tai only received notice that they were to visit a few days ago.

"Your fathers friends?" I query.

Tai pinches between his brow. "Yes. They are here to ensure everything is running how it should."

I loosen a stressed breath. It was always evident that Tai's life is far beyond what I could ever imagine, or handle myself. Dealing with Noble's, who Tai is not a fan of, does not sound fun, nor easy, so I can't say I'm envious of his position.

"And you came to my room?" I test, unsure of what brought him here, when he should be dealing with them.

He brushes past me, his scent of earth and sandalwood making me shiver. "I needed a moment to think."

Looking out into the hallway, I quickly close the door, concealing us inside and away from prying, gossiping workers who roam silently through the manor. It may not mean anything, but the last thing I want is for people to start speculating about the King coming to my room. I want to get out of here with as little of a trail following me as possible.

"You're the King, you don't need to fear anyone," I remind him, turning around to see him sitting upon my bed, looking wistfully out the window, as if he is considering getting up and leaving himself.

"I don't fear them, I fear my father," he explains, raking a hand back through his hair. I watch the way it falls perfectly across forehead and ears, the evening sunset tinting it with a rusty reflection. "Everything I say to them gets fed back to him. One wrong move and he will come here himself."

Two King's? I don't think I could deal with that.

"If he wanted to come, he would come. These men he's sending are just a formality," I say in way of comfort, unsure of whether any of it resonates with him. I wonder if I should sit next to him, create some proximity, but I quickly decide against it. I don't owe him anything.

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