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Word Count: 2281

I walk down the steps, wincing with every step.

My skin feels stiff, pulling tight beneath my billowy clothing, protesting at my movement. It's been like that for weeks since the incident, most of the scarring having since faded, although still leaving behind irritating remnants.

My physical therapy sessions with one of Tai's healers happens now only once a week. Pain medication is no longer necessary, and I can walk, run and swim as I once did.

Yet not everything has returned back to the way it should be.

Tai and his men haven't yet been able to locate who got into my room and poisoned the shower. Despite his reassuring words, Tai has yet to convince me that someone is directly trying to rid of me, regardless of what reason it's for. I quietly suspect rebels, even if Tai won't mention much when I ask him.

As for Marek...he continues his work as my personal guard, yet has not spoken to me much otherwise. I haven't tried to reach out to him, not knowing what I should say.

As I walk down the stairs, animated voices coming from the buildings main entrance catches my attention.

Tai hasn't had guests since I first arrived.

"You could have at least warned me you were coming," I hear close by.

Peering over the railing of the stairs, I look out past the massive ornate statue that serves as an impressive centrepiece and over to the front door where Tai stands with two other unfamiliar figures. I wait at the foot of the stairs, watching on instead of approaching. I've been especially careful after everything that happened.

"Do you not remember what is coming up on the 6th?" one of the figures states, alternating from foot to foot. "We told you it's time to get an assistant."

The one who spoke has a strange accent, like a mix of two or more. From here, I spy slightly too long golden hair that curls down past his ears, his back facing me. Both strangers are men, standing at similar height to Tai.

In his shoulders I see no tension, despite the fact he is wearing his King attire. Today, I admire the crimson coloured jacket that shapes his strong build finely, my gaze traveling down to his dark trousers and shoes. I wonder what his plans were for today, those silver rings glinting under the morning sun that streams generously through the glass dome roof.

"It's not exactly a good time. I've been very busy," Tai notes with a dip of his head. Even from here I can see the bend in his curls, shaped kindly today by whoever tends to his immaculate appearance.

"Isn't that always the excuse?" the blond man states, reaching out to cup the King's shoulder, shaking him lightly. "It's time for your annual ball."

I blink. I haven't heard about that.

These two must be Tai's friends. He doesn't seemed stressed at their presence, although maybe irked. Even from here I notice the tilt to his lips, the way his eyes glitter warmly. How have I not heard of whoever these men are?

Tai gestures around himself hopelessly. "Can we cancel it this year?"

"No way," the blond man replies. "With your new fiancé's time to show her off."

Tai visibly flinches at the mention of me, a frown passing over his graceful features. The news of our union has already passed through the Jade Province, yet it is still strange to hear. We haven't called it off, since it seems that being here will be safer than if I return home. The idea still sounds tempting, though.

"That's really not the best idea..." Tai murmurs lowly to the point I almost don't catch it. Perhaps he regrets making this so public, since now I am being targeted.

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