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Word Count: 1724

I wander from the kitchen, apple in hand.

Just as I turn the corner, I see a figure appear right before me, bringing me to a stop. Taking a step back, I look up at Tai, whose chest I nearly ran into.

My heart jumps into my throat, my cheeks immediately reddening. Marek and I returned as early as possible this morning, even through the thunderstorm, which toward midday, has finally started to let up. No one saw us enter, but I still have this heavy feeling of guilt pressing against my chest...Especially after what happened in the barn last night.

"It rained relentlessly last night, didn't it?" Tai notes, his brows dipping. Today he's dressed in his King like attire, a deep red jacket pulled over his shoulders with black adornments and stitching. His rings are back, some gold and some silver.

"Hmm." I shrug, taking a bite of my apple.

"I hope you found somewhere safe to sleep," he breathes, the bite to his tone evident as his gaze assesses me.

My heart plummets to the depths of my chest, as I realise he knew I was out last night. Of course this all had to happen after Tai and I were finally coming to an understanding, when I stopped despising him all that I have in me. This disappointment will be finely paired with my realisation about the Beast.

I nearly drop my apple. "Tai...I can explain."

"No need," he says, surprisingly calm. "I just want to warn you that to a King, trust is very important. If there is anything you need, that you're not getting, you can just ask."

Trying to calm my heartrate, I sigh. "I just needed fresh air. I'm used to living in the forest."

"I want to believe you, Akara," Tai comments flatly, making me wince. Who is going to be punished the most severely? Myself, or Marek? "I just don't know if I should have this Hunter sent away."

Startling, I immediately scramble for a way to defend him. With everything going on right now, I need Marek here. He keeps me sane, makes me want to keep stepping forward each day. Despite what I thought was a growing understanding between Tai and I, he wouldn't be able to keep me company in the way that I need.

"No, you don't need to do that. That is not part of our deal," I remind him.

A muscle in his jaw feathers as he clenches it tightly. "And neither is you sneaking out with him at night either."

"I didn't...It wasn't about him," I say uneasily.

This feels ridiculous, arguing with Tai in the middle of the hallway, almost as if we are already married. I shouldn't have left with Marek that morning, knowing I wasn't going to escape with him. There is too much at stake, and now both of us may be screwed over.

"He wasn't in his room either," Tai says smoothly. "The lies can stop."

"I'm not lying, Tai. My intentions were not anything with him," I tell him honestly. I had not stepped into that barn last night because I wanted to do anything with him. We never went past kissing...But I can't help but feel as though I've betrayed Tai.

"Then what am I meant to think? You escaped last night into the nearest town. Together."

He isn't going to give up until I give him the truth, yet it falters at my lips. What if admitting our intentions ruin everything, including the weak trust Tai and I have? Yet I know I have to be honest, that I have to hope he has a shred of kindness left to spare me.

My gaze falls to my feet. "We were trying to find a way to escape."

"I thought we had a deal..." Tai murmurs softly. He doesn't even sound angry, a steady calm I admire falling across him. I've lost his trust, and he knows that as much as I do. A painful feeling eats at my stomach, that sinking feeling not going anywhere.

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