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Word Count: 2080

Taius is at dinner when we walk in.

Marek and I arrive at the same time. I feel foolish walking into this large dining hall, dressed in a tight fitting dress, that I tug at awkwardly. Mercilessly, Marek never made a comment on it, but as I walk toward where Taius sits, I notice his gaze sweep over me brazenly.

The dining hall is decorated beautifully, a panoply of paintings strung across the wall which drip wealth I will never understand. Atop the long dining table, is a variety of food, which my stomach immediately reacts to. I don't know the last time I ate something.

Taius motions for us to join him. Pulling out the seat beside him, his look toward me confirms he wants me to sit right there, with Marek taking the seat opposite.

And of course, we have no other choice but to oblige him.

"I somehow knew you would fit into my sisters gown. You both have petite figures," he murmurs, his tone taunting, but his eyes are unreadable. I want to be disgusted, before I remember the role I'm meant to be playing. I let it wash over me, letting me relax back into my seat, a smile lightly touching my lips.

Marek clears his throat pointedly. Taius drags his gaze to the Hunter reluctantly, almost as if he forgot he was there in the first place. I'm unsure whether that comment bothered Marek, or he is simply acting. I'll hope for the latter.

"Your escort seems touchy about the way I speak to you," Taius comments, picking up his glass. "Either your father gave him very specific instructions, or he has a soft spot for you."

Marek and I exchange brief glances.

"There's no way he doesn't want me. It's been obvious this entire time," I find myself saying, the words that personally repulse me, gliding from my mouth with ease. Marek doesn't flinch, but his gaze does flicker away from me, likely selling his embarrassment for Taius. Composing myself, I pray my cheeks will not tint pink and betray me.

"Don't feel as though you have to settle, Akara. You could attract the most noble of men," Tai tells me assuredly, making my stomach turn. Like you, King?

I stare at the food before me, laid out with an excessive amount of precision, but I suppose we are dining before a King. "So Tai, what goes on around these parts? I get so bored on my father's orchards, and he never lets me play with the workers."

"It's easy to get bored here. Too much land, not enough people. You're the first interesting person to step foot inside my place recently," he compliments, the faintest gleam to his eye.

Naturally, I believe him. Why create such a spectacle otherwise?

Spooning some vegetables glazed in a creamy butter and garlic mixture onto my plate, I lower my gaze, trying to view Marek's expression. He doesn't have to feign his confidence. Despite the risk Taius poses to us, the Hunter refuses to be intimidated. I commend him for it, because I'm terrified, and even being this close to the King has me questioning whether I should get up and run for my life or not.

"Your majesty, this dinner is great, but we really should be leaving soon," Marek comments, even though he hasn't touched any of the food on offer. I, however, have been enjoying the meal, starving from lacking food since being at the inn. Marek is attempt to be a staid presence, while I remain more laid back, disinterested.

"Marek, is it?" Taius asks, tilting his head. "Lighten up. How is it Akara here is having more fun than you."

"She isn't the one getting paid," Marek comments, leaning back into his seat. Of course, his character's entire motive is to return me to my wealthy, doting father.

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