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Word Count: 1859

I stare out the window of the carriage, watching the blur of the forest pass by.

The last time I was in a carriage like this, it came to a stop and Tai's men interrupted us. Now, not only does Marek sit in front of me, him and his dark clothing nearly melting into the shadows in the corner, Tai sits beside me.

Today is the day. Together, the three of us are heading deep into the Jade Provinces main forest, close to my home village outside Tai's territory to kill the Beast. For once, I have no desire to return home, where my mother will be, disgusted by the mention of my name. I'm still numb from that night. Only a few days have passed, and yet every time the thought of my mother passes through my mind, my stomach twists and my heart aches.

"This will warm you up," Tai murmurs from beside me, making me startle. Looking down, he has pulled a woollen blanket over my lap. I hadn't even realised I was cold, the early morning chill having crept into the cabin, winter emerging from nowhere.

I'm unsure of what is colder; the tension between Tai and Marek or the brittle air that still lingers from the darkness, the sun only just emerging through the trees, sending dappled light across the floor of the carriage, like golden ripples of silk.

I smile gratefully at Tai, who shivers himself beneath his tunic and coat. "Who knew the Jade Province was so cold."

Tai's estate isn't far from the border of the Azure Province, so I'm not surprised about the chill.

"It isn't from inside your wealthy manor," Marek mutters, looking out the window, expression passive, although his eyes are a tumultuous storm of atlantic blue. He hasn't given Tai so much as a glance since we stepped into the carriage, finding the passing view of the forest in all it's earthy colours far more fascinating.

"I'm assuming you're not affected by the cold because you're from the coldest Province in the land," I cut in before Tai has a chance to snap back. Marek looks at me, a warmth breathing life into his cool eyes. We haven't spoken since the other night after the event. Thinking about it has my toes curling within my shoes.

"Yes. The cold suits me," he admits, before resuming looking out the window. Next to me my window is foggy, the haunting glades beyond murky in my view.

I'm not excited for what a run in with the Beast may look like. His appearance is greatly contested, but at least if the man from the forest was right, he does in fact exist. Marek will do the killing, Tai and I only being here for support, which I hope will not be necessary.

"And once you're free, will you return to it," Tai mutters, drawing me from my thoughts again.

"Depends," Marek replies, his voice low and husky. "Depends on how long you plan to keep me as a slave to you."

I swallow, but my throat is so dry it hurts. Marek can't be blamed for hating Tai, not after everything he has done. Yet I had silently hoped the two would keep away from each others necks for the entirety of this trip. Especially since the sun has just risen, and we won't be close to my home village until the sun is setting.

"You killed my men," Tai growls lowly, his tone making me shudder.

"And now that I know what I do about you, I doubt you would have wanted me to take the risk that those men were rebels. Not when I had Akara with me," Marek says, already anticipating Tai's reaction. I shudder. Having these two men speak like this right in front of me is unnerving, sending my stomach twisting almost painfully.

Tai blinks, taken aback before a shadow passes over his face. "I'm sure you are well aware of what a rebel looks like."

I'm the only one in the cabin to appear startled by Tai's very sudden statement. Marek frowns only slightly, the confusion there for only a brief moment before he washes it away, replacing it with that stoic, hardened expression.

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