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Word Count: 1775

Tapping my pen against the desk, I consider the words in front of me.

Over the last few days, my writing has been my only escape. Tai is still tense around me, and although Marek has his job as my personal guard now, he has been avoiding me. So I've been writing, and doing research into the Beast. I've discovered far more personal accounts of encounters with the Beast.

I can't believe I've gone my entire life believing what my mother and the other village leaders told me. None of it includes all these harrowing real life stories.

I feel sick researching it, but I know I must do it.

Glancing out the window toward the front lawn, the sight of two people standing close together catches my eye. Getting to my feet, I pull the gauzy net curtain back, looking out past the rails of the balcony, ensuring they can't see me from here.

It's clearly Vaia standing there, her long sleek brunette hair glistening in the falling sun. Today she wears a light blossom pink dress, which even from here, looks lovely on her. That is the irritating thing about the princess; she is stunningly beautiful, yet has a very vicious, calculating side.

So far, I've been successful in avoiding her wrath with Marek. I've gotten the impression that she is bored of him, and has moved on, yet I'm still anxious as I anticipate her reaction.

Looking closer, I realise she's talking to Jessa.

I had no idea Vaia even knew Jessa existed, yet by the way they are standing so close to one another, Vaia's hand on her arm, it's clear they are closer than I thought. Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I consider what this means. Either Vaia and Jessa met organically, or Vaia is getting to me through my only friend here. I don't think I like either option.

Jessa leans in and says something to Vaia. I can't gauge the princess's reaction, but by the way her shoulders shake slightly, it's clear she's laughing. I'm not sure if I'm mad or not. Definitely uncomfortable.

Stepping away, I pull the net curtain up, waiting until Jessa comes to tend to my room.

By the time she is done, I've finished translating old Jade Province dialectic from a book from Tai's library. It's old tales of the Beast, stealing children from villages, some never to be seen again. It's hard to tell how much of it is true accounts, and how much of it is fiction.

She doesn't knock, slipping in through my door before closing it tightly behind her. She smiles at the sight of me, cheeks flushed, eyes glittering. It's been nice having Jessa with me here, as a true friend. At nights she keeps me company, listening to me complain about Tai and Marek while remaining calm and not pushy.

If she had my way, I would have slept with Marek by now.

"I didn't know you were friends with Vaia," I muse, resting my head on my hand as I watch her kick her shoes off, jumping onto my leg before sitting cross-legged.

"Oh...yeah, she's been nice to me," Jessa admits, lowering her gaze.

My interest is officially piqued.

"Must be nice," I say simply, watching her reaction carefully. I don't want her to feel guilty for finding friends here, I'm just curious as to why she chose Vaia. Surely Vaia wouldn't be interested in another worker here, when so many tend to her daily. "She kind of hates me."

"She's really kind when you get to know her," Jessa explains, absently brushing wrinkles from my duvet. Getting up I join her on the bed, tucking my knees up against my chest.

"I've had an entirely different experience."

"She has been acting strange though," Jessa admits, pulling the band from here hair, releasing her long curls out over her deflated shoulders. My eyes narrow. She wouldn't otherwise care if she weren't close with Vaia. "Distant. I think she is being threatened by outsiders."

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