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Word Count: 2107

Tai spent the next week being closely monitored by healers, leaving me to my own vices.

Most of the week I spent writing, trying to make sense of my tumultuous thoughts, finding a place for it all within my brain. When I finally felt like I had compartmentalised it all, I was exhausted, both emotionally and physically. At least I've healed, only what appears to be small scars the last reminder of what happened that night in the cave.

Today I've forced myself outside. The morning has been glorious, the dewy grass glistening under the sunlight as I wander aimlessly through the gardens. However dark clouds chased me back inside, yet another storm threatening to roll in.

Climbing up the stairs, I pause for a moment at the sound of hushed voices before advancing further.

Coming around the corner, my gaze falls upon Vaia, Marek and Jessa standing in the middle of the hallway, discussing something with low voices. They don't notice me at first, Vaia leaning back against the wall, doing most of the speaking. Marek has his head bowed, expression solemn as he nods to whatever Vaia is saying. Jessa looks away absently, noticing me. I don't miss the way she clears her throat, getting everyone else's attention.

"What's going on?" I ask curiously.

Recently I got the impression Vaia was done with Marek, boredom increasing the moment he didn't respond to her interest. The last thing I expected was for them to cross paths again...What could they possibly have in common?

"I should get back to work," Marek murmurs, glancing once more at Vaia before walking in the opposite direction, not looking at me once. I shiver, not liking that.

"Right," Vaia says, swiftly passing me.

He leaves behind a refreshing hint of rose and lilac perfume, her silk dress brushing up against my skin as she passes by, making me shiver. Jessa smiles weakly at me.

"We were just talking..." she notes, looking as though she doesn't want to elaborate until I frown, questioning what they could possibly be discussing. "Vaia is sick of the common animals Marek is hunting, so she asked for something different. Everything okay?"

I'm not sure why, but a chasm opens up within me, filling with doubt and suspicion. I note the way Jessa fidgets uneasily, her smile faltering. I decide against asking what is truly going on, knowing there's only so much I can handle right now, and hearing Jessa explain what Vaia and Marek have and common isn't on my current agenda.

I pass by her, walking into my room, motioning for her to follow me.

Jessa closes the door behind us while I fall into the bed, letting to down-filled duvet sink around my figure.

"I feel like I'm being torn in two different directions," I mutter absently, staring up at the ceiling. It feels strange indulging in Jessa with my feelings, having already been so ashamed to admit it. Only a few months ago, Marek was nothing more to Jessa than a mysterious hunter who arrived at the inn. I've since explained everything to her since, yet it's all still so strange.

"How so?" She questions, coming to lay next to me on the bed, dark hair billowing out around her.

"On one hand, I need to keep my relationship with Tai intact, so my father doesn't go back to war, and they can keep receiving the money they need," I tell her uneasily. "But in marrying him, I am no longer allowed to...have any feelings for Marek. Yet they won't go away."

Admittedly, being tied to Tai hasn't been my only concern. I'm closer to Tai now than I ever expected to be; and a friendship has since blossomed. Yet there's something more there, something that has only come about recently. Feeling to makes me sick to my stomach, knowing I'm betraying Marek and the way I feel about him by looking twice at Tai. And how I feel for Marek has only grown stronger, making this all the more confusing.

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