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Word Count: 2883

We all take our seats at the dining table, me right beside Tai.

Unnervingly, Nakoa won't take her eyes off me. Black as obsidian, they pass over me brazenly, drinking me in with malice. Unspoken magic dwells under each of these Noble women's fingers, begging to be released upon an unsuspecting victim like myself.

"What's with the toy?" Evolet asks, drawing everyone's attention. She watches me curiously, fingers twisting at silver rings carved with stunning patterns, worth more than my entire existence. She dares my face to redden, for my lips to part and assault her. Instead, a cool, icy mask remains painted securely on my features.

One mistake, and I'm their dinner.

"She's just someone I took pity on," Tai replies dismissively. His words bite more than I thought, gliding their way beneath my skin, even if he is acting like the bored, stoic King he needs to be. If for a moment, they believe I committed a crime and was acquitted on his behalf, they will deem him unworthy for the throne.

I hate this world. The nobility, the power. It streams off of these people, and not due to their expensive attire and stunning looks.

"Cute. Where's Vaia?" Evolet questions, bored of me already. Nesrin and Nakoa don't follow suit, too intrigued by me to even look away. I refuse to so much as shiver under the glacial chill of their stares, which strip me bare, a dangerous, unspoken threat.

Tai doesn't even look at me. "We don't need to make drama tonight. Why not just enjoy each others company?"

"I enjoyed your sisters company," Evolet pouts, resting her hands on the table. I eye her nails, painted a glossy red, sharpened to smooth points. "She's great in bed."

Tai shifts uncomfortably, not interested in speaking about Vaia to her lover.

"This is inappropriate. Aren't you girls here to tell me to do something?" Tai questions, shifting the attention across the group. At the same moment, a scattering of servers wander into the room, laying dinner across the table. We all remain quiet as they do so, and while my gaze remains fixed on their movements, I can't ignore the burning heat of Nakoa's gaze on me. I can't be that interesting.

"No, just here to make sure you're doing your job right," Nesrin remarks, unflinching as a sever leans over her, pouring a beige liquid into a tall glass flute.

Nakoa clears her throat, finally looking away from me. "Clearly you're walking in your fathers steps by having a mistress."

It suddenly dawns on me, what all their roles are.

Nakoa is the silent observer, digging intrusively under any façade to determine the motive of whoever happens to fall into her focal point. Evolet is the distraction, exerting her confidence dramatically into the conversation to draw all attention to her, allowing the other two Noble's to do what they must. And Nesrin is the strict voice of the three, the real embodiment of all Tai's fathers orders, ensuring Tai does what she requires of him.

I could be wrong, misjudging the three, yet something tells me I'm rather close to figuring them all out.

"She's just a bit of fun. Nothing more," Tai mutters, shadowing me in dismissal for my own benefit. Evolet's gaze sweeps across my person one more time before she moves on. I wish I could relax, but Nakoa still won't relent in her endless staring.

Evolet drags her fork around her plate, playing with her food. "Entertain us, Taius. We're bored."

I've decided I don't like Evolet. Her blatant distaste for Noble affairs suggests that she didn't take this position for the politics. Her beautifully curled raven hair is topped with a silver head adornment that winks and glitters with luxurious malice, likely funded from her involvement with Tai's father.

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