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Word Count: 1662

The next few weeks past by so quickly, I hardly have time to grasp everything.

Tomorrow, Tai and I will be married in front of a strategically chosen guest list. From then on, we will be closely monitoring the rebel presence, and the strength of the local villages support. If all goes well, I may not have to stay here much longer, but that is all hypothetical. Right now, nothing is known for certain.

Jessa and I lie in bed together, night nearing on early morning. Sleeping isn't a realistic possibility right now, my mind busy trying to process everything that has been going on. Tomorrow will be a defining moment for all of us.

"Are you nervous?" Jessa asks softly, turning over to face me. She agreed to stay the night with me tonight, to keep me company until I have to wake tomorrow and ready myself for the wedding.

"No," I admit. I'm not nervous for the wedding; it's not real. Tai and I will not actually be legally bonded together, it's just a formality. "None of it seems real."

"You know what marrying Tai will mean for you, right?" she says softly, pointedly.

I stare at the ceiling, imagining I'm looking through Tai's skylight. Will I have to sleep in his bed, pretend to be his wife at every public gathering? How long could I keep my the facade? I haven't seen Marek since last week, although it was in front of Tai. I've wanted to speak to him privately, but he has been ignoring me, despite his position as my personal guard.

"We aren't going to be the typical husband or wife," I remind her. I want to add that it won't be for long, but I don't want to promise anything. She's assured me in passing she is happy here, beginning her relationship with Vaia. Vaia has been avoiding me, which I'm secretly grateful for.

"That's not what I mean," Jessa murmurs, her dark eyes looking concerned. Jessa has made it clear to me that she much prefers me with Marek, and that she doesn't trust Tai. "People here are angry. Vaia tells me about it often, and how she is grateful the attention is on you now, instead of her."

I frown, bracing myself up on my elbows. "What does she think the rebels want?"

"They despise Tai's father's expansion of his rule. His father is taking down leaders who truly don't deserve it," Jessa says uneasily, clearly restating what she has been told by Vaia. "And on the other hand, they are desperate for power like the original people had. They want to create more Tani, and gain power themselves."

That I know, which makes me shiver. So it's true then...Tai has a real reason to be concerned. Will me marrying him truly do anything to stop the issue? Perhaps together we can find a way to educate people, to teach them why the Forbidden River was named that in the first place.

"That's disgusting. People are greedy," I mutter, having to keep the frustration from my voice.

"People are doing it for a variety of reasons," Jessa murmurs. A knock suddenly sounds from my bedroom door, making Jessa frown. "That better not be Tai."

Pulling the covers up more, I watch as Jessa gets up, moving to the door. If it's Tai, I don't know what I will say to him, scared I'll suddenly change my mind and run off with Marek. The hunter should have been told to leave today...In fact, he may already be gone.

"Oh," Jessa murmurs as she opens the door, startled. She glances behind her shoulder, raising her dark eyebrows at me. "Akara, it's Marek."

Immediately I sit up, kicking my legs out from under the covers as my heart flutters. What is he doing here? He hasn't come to my room since the night of the ball, which still elicits sinful memories that make my cheeks flush with heat. Him and I both know the risks of us being in the same room only together.

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