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Word Count: 2419

Tai sits on the edge of his bed, a frown etched into his features.

Only five minutes earlier, we were downstairs, Tai have to have addressed the guests who he has offered rooms to here. He claimed that Marek has been obsessed with me for months, and that he has been taken into the prisons to be held. None of that is true, of course. In fact, Tai's guards have been unable to find Marek.

"You don't have to stay in my room tonight, even if our guests will want to gossip seeing you wander around the halls," Tai says softly, finally releasing his frown, breathing in deeply. The guests already have a lot to gossip about tonight after the incident with Marek.

After a long pause, I decide I need to address the issue at hand. "I'm sorry."

"No, you were right. It would have been inappropriate to continue the wedding after what happened," Tai admits with a sigh, slowly pulling each ring off his finger, letting them rattle before shuddering still on the surface. Each one of those rings are worth more than I'll ever see in real money in my entire life.

"No, I'm sorry about what he did," I tell him, hoping he doesn't think I put Marek up to this to put the wedding off. I could have never predicted that he would be so audacious. He knows that doing that could lead to another sentence from Tai. "I had no idea he would be that stupid."

Tai looks over me, making me suddenly grateful that I changed from my wedding dress and into something more simple. When I addressed the crowd earlier, trying to make them aware that it was all a misunderstanding felt odd, like I was lying to such a large amount of people. I suppose that's what it is. Lying...

Tai appears grim. "He loves you. I would have done the same thing."

"He acted so strange though, telling me that he was warning me, that I should stay in my room tonight," I say uncomfortably. Just admitting that to Tai makes my stomach turn, knowing he doesn't want to think about why Marek could possibly want me in my room.

"He was likely planning on sneaking in with you," Tai days uneasily, his lovely green eyes a sudden tumultuous storm of darkness and uncertainty.

"We never..." I break off, suddenly embarrassed and unsure of what I want to say and how to properly articulate it. The last thing I want to do is hurt anyone's feelings, especially Tai.  "We never had sex Tai, if that means anything to you."

He glances away. "It's none of my business."

Releasing a slow breath, I come to sit next to him on the bed, staring down at the floor. It's hard to believe that had Marek not interrupted earlier, we would be married by now. It's not meant to mean anything, yet Tai and I both know that it does. Now we will have to redo it all tomorrow, which means another sleepless night with a myriad of strangers in the manor who whisper and gossip about what may be the reality of my relationship with the King and the hunter.

"So what will happen when they find him?" I ask softly, glancing at Tai. Despite the fact that he allowed Marek's release, the hunter is currently being sought after by Tai's guards.

Tai looks grim, like he actually does regret what needs to be done. "He will be detained. Because of the number of witnesses, there won't be anything I can do for him."

I have to physically hold back my wince.

"I understand," I say tightly, although at the same time, it hurts. Marek may never be brought back here...not if he is as smart and as cunning as I assume he is. Without me to weigh him down, he will be able to get away and hide far quicker and more efficiently. Will he even ever come back for me? "He's smart, he must know that. He will be out of the province by now."

"I have correspondents in a lot of places. I will find him," Tai tells assuredly. There's no anger in his tone, as he looks me over, seeing the sadness in my eyes as I fight the urge to cry at the thought of Marek leaving and never returning. Yet at the same time, I don't want to see him brought back here to live the life he hates so much.

Tai sighs, resting his hand on my knee comfortingly.  "Unless I don't..."

Blinking, I fight the urge to ask him why he is suddenly willing to have mercy on Marek, realising that I already know the answer to that. He's doing it because he cares about me, and he knows what would make me the happiest.

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