Chapter 1: We're In The Ocean!

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(Aphmau's POV)

I could hardly remember everything that just happened. Getting thrown into another world... again... it just had me so... dizzy. As I awoke, I realized I was underwater. I swam up to the surface to check my surroundings. All I could see was ocean. But it was night out.

I serched for Aaron. No sign of him.

"AARROOOOOOONN!!!" I shrieked into the emptiness.

No answer.

"AARROOOON!!!" I yelled again.

No response. Suddenly i heard a noise. I turned to my left to see Aaron splashing around in the water, shocked from wake up in the ocean.

"Aphmau?!" He panicked.

"Aaron! I'm over here!" I yelled.

He saw me and swam over to me. Him and I hugged each other for support. Thank Irene he taught me how to swim, otherwise I would have drowned in the darkness of the sea.

"Did... we just—" Aaron ask's but I cut him off.

"Get thrown into another world? Yep." I said in agreement.

Both him and I check our surroundings for the others. No sign of them.

"Aaron! Aphmau!" Someone called out.

It was Lucinda and everyone else. They were on a small boat that Lucinda must've made while using her magic staff. She steered the boat over to us and then Aaron and I hopped onto the boat. Garroth, Kim, Zane, Kawaii~Chan, Dottie, Melissa, Maria, Daniel, and Rylan were on the boat as well. Dottie served us up ice cold drinks by using her ice magic. The one that Rhys accidentally gave her back in November.

"You all okay?" I asked.

Everyone said they were okay.

"At least we didn't drown." Said Melissa.

"True." Said Kawaii~Chan.

"Agreed." Said both Kim and Ghost.

"At least I'm making us ice cold drinks with my ice magic." Dottie said.

She put frozen water into a collapsible cup and she took the staff that Rhys gave her out of her pocket and casted a small spell to turn the ice into water.

"Yeah." Said Garroth.

"Yep." Said Zane.

"Very true." Said both Daniel and Rylan.

"Well... at least we won't drown.." Aaron said.

"True." Said Lucinda.

"I don't mean to spoil the party, BUT DOES ANYBODY REALIZE WE'RE STUCK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN ON THIS SMALL BOAT?!?!" Maria complained as her ears and tail twitched for a brief second.

My ears and tail twitched. So did Aaron's, Melissa's, Garroth's, Dottie's, Daniel's, and Rylan's.

"If we don't find help soon, we're going to die of hypothermia in this cold ocean!" Maria said.

"Well, does anyone see any boats??" Melissa asked.

We check our surroundings for any nearby boats. We saw nothing.

"I don't see anything." I said.

"W-wait! I think I see something up ahead!" Said Kawaii~Chan.

I turn to my right and squint to see a faint medieval ship not too far from here.

"We to catch the attention of that ship!" Said Aaron.

I look around to see a small flare gun and I pick it up. I point the barrel of the gun upwards and I pull the trigger. The red hot flaming flare burst up into the air as high as it can go. But as it went down, the red glow faded.

"I don't think it saw us." Said Zane.

My ears flopped down as I looked at Zane. But when I turned to the boat, I noticed that I was slowly coming towards us.

Me and the gang then tried to get the boats attention. Calling out of help and all that other stuff. as the boat came close to us, it stopped.

We waited for a rope or ladder to drop or something. But from what I heard were faint whispers up on the boat. As the whispering stopped, a rope came down and me and the gang climbed it.

When we got onto the boat, no one was there. I checked to see if anyone was there but I didn't. All of a sudden, horns went off in alert of intruders.

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