Chapter 17: A Shadow Knight Rebellion?

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(Aaron's POV)

I couldn't sleep. I could only think about Alina. The poor thing doesn't even know what's after her. I start to dream.


I open my eyes to find myself in the dark room again. I sighed softly.

"Hello?" I asked into the shadows.

"Yes?" Said a voice who sounded like my mother.

"I wanna know what's happening in the Nether right now." I said.

"Alright." Said the voice.

A white light glows from above my head and the light floats down into my hands. It shifts into a gold and blue striped orb.

"What's happening in the Nether right now?" I asked.

White light glows from the orb and the light surrounded me and then it faded and I found myself at the Nether fortress from earlier today.

Laurence and Gene were fighting with their swords. They stopped.

"Heheheh... Where's your Shadow Lord, now?" Laurence asked.

"Unlike your underlings, I don't question him." Said Gene.

They then chatted and Laurence suggests that he doesn't want to be controlled. Is Shad controlling everyone in the Nether? Laurence tried to attack Gene but it wasn't any use.

Suddenly another Shadow Knight attacked Gene. He had brown hair and red eyes. His name was Zenix. Gene flees and he shout out that he will see Laurence and his rebellion crushed.

That made me question something's. Why is there a Shadow Knight Rebellion? Are some Shadow Knights trying to turn against Shad and be good again? It made me feel concerned. Maybe we might be able to redeem Laurence.

After Zenix and Laurence left, I saw Ein sitting on the roof of the fortress.

"Sure... soon... your entire rebellion will be under Shad's control." Said Ein.

I then got worried.

Light surrounded me and then it faded and I found myself in the dark room again.

"Wake up!" Said the voice.

~~Dream Ends~~

I wake up from my sleep to see Aphmau looking at me.

"Aph?" I asked.

"Come on. Other Garroth, Other Aphmau, Alina, Lilith, Kim, Kawaii~Chan, and Lucinda are coming with us to visit Emmalyn." Said Aphmau.

I said okay with Aph and she left to room so I can change out of the clothes Other Aphmau let me borrow for bed.

Whoever Emmalyn is, I hope she has information about the fragment...

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