Chapter 27: A Talk With The Heart

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(Aphmau's POV)

We got on top of the roof of Zoeys house where The Heart of Darkness was just a few feet away from me. Melissa and Lucinda were down stairs with Other Garroth while Aaron was with Katelyn and Zoey. I turn to Aaron.

"Aph, are you sure you wanna do this?" Aaron asked me.

"Of course. We brought Shad... or... The Heart... all the way out here." I said.

"Okay. But if anything happens... we have confidence in Zoeys barrier magicks." Said Other Aphmau.

I understood. Katelyn, Zoey, Other Aphmau, and Aaron walk downstairs.

"You know I heard everything you just said." Said The Heart.

I turn around to look at him.

"I know. I wanted you to." I replied.

I took a few steps closer.

"So what did you expect from me Irene? Sympathy? Compassion? That's a first for you to consider." Said The Heart.

"Please... I need to ask you... who are you?" I asked.

The Heart raises an eyebrow at me.

"You don't recognize me, Irene?" The Heart asked.

"No.... but I think I know who you are." I said.

"Then tell me... who do you think I am?" The Heart asked.

I hesitate. The I spoke.

"You're Shad... or rather... some part of him." I said as my ears and tail twitched.

I couldn't help but make eye contact with the man who looked like Aaron and had a purple aura around him.

"Heh... well, you're not as heartless as I thought." Said The Heart.

"Please... I want to know more about you." I said.

"Don't give me that tone! The last person I want to hear that is from YOU!" The Heart yelled at me.

"Eep!" I squealed.

A shudder went down my spine as I looked a little worried at him.

"But... I just wanna know more about who you are." I said.

"So you DID forget me!" The Heart exclaimed.

"Let me explain. I'm not Irene! I'm—" I say but I get cut off.

"You have the audacity to look at me in the face AND TELL ME THAT?! YOU LOOK LIKE IRENE! AND YOU HAVE HER POWER! YOU WILL GET NO REMORSE FROM ME! Even if we could transcend time, I have no plans to forgive you FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" The Heart yelled at me.

I yelped in fear but got confused at what he said.

"What... I'VE done?" I asked.

"You're not so clean of blood." Said The Heart.

"I.... I.... TRULY have no clue what you mean.." I said.

"That day... YOY COULD NOT HAVE FORGOTTEN THAT DAY!!" The Heart yelled at me.

That's when The Heart explained to me that Irene gave him the relic of The Destroyer. How it was a red, gold, and green relic. I guess the three colors resemble the three pieces it was split into. This must mean that Alina has the gold piece and Shad has the red piece.

Suddenly The Heart disappeared into thin air...

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