Chapter 33: An Interruption

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(Melissa's POV)

As Aphmau told me about what's going on with my little brother, I became more worried than ever. He's gotta control his anger before it gets out of hand. Everyone was at Zoey's house and we began to talk about the next course of action. Plus Zoey made us mini chocolate cakes.

"I filled in the wolf pups on things. I also told Levin and Garroth about what's going on, but what exactly happened?" Katelyn asked.

"The shards of Shad's relic are starting to affect Aaron and Alina. Which means.... it's giving them powers. But for Aaron, his Ultima Curse is preventing Shadow Knights from finding the piece of the relic he has." Said Aphmau.

"This isn't good at the slightest... Aaron's gotta control his temper and he's gotta take it seriously this time.." I said.

"Yeah. But I'm actually surprised his Ultima power is protecting the relic shard." Said Other Garroth.

"Yeah. But Alina... she's only 3! How can she be expected to control THAT?!" Levin asked in concern.

"That's exactly the point! So our only plan of action is to find the other relics of the divine warriors." Said Other Aphmau.

"Well... where do we even begin?" Aaron asked.

Other Aphmau suggests that we head to The Phoenix Capital where Travis is. Well... THEIR Travis. She says that he's a descendant of Enki The Keeper.

"So, let's get—" I said but for some reason, a gust of wind blew in here, putting out all of the torches on the walls in the room.

As me and the others turn around, I see a face I really wish I didn't wanna see again. Navy with a gray streak, silver eyes, navy ears and tail, and red and black armor.

"Swell meeting." Said the figure.

He slowly stepped into the light. Ein.

"I guess my ticket for this trip got lost in the mail?" He asked.

"Ein...?" Aphmau asked.

He draws his red sword, making a scratchy sound on the floor. But it wasn't too loud.

"If you don't mind, I'll just help myself to one of these mini chocolate cakes." Said Ein as he walked closer to the table.

"Why is that bastard here?" Aaron asked.

"Aaron.. anger.." I said.

I could tell he was slightly mad seeing Ein here. Well... we were all mad seeing Ein. Especially after all the crap he's put us through. When he got to the plate full of mini chocolate cakes, he put his sword away and eyes the tiny cakes.

"Ein.... where have you been?" Aphmau asked.

He turns around to look at his little half-sister.

"Helping myself you might say." Said Ein.

Aphmau raises an eyebrow.

"It's about time I helped myself, don't you think little sister?" Ein asked.

He pick up one of the tiny cakes and eyes it as he held it in his hands.

"What?" Levin whispered.

"That man... is Werewolf Aphmau's brother?" Zoey questioned as she whispered.

As Ein took a bite out the the bite sized cake, he turns to Aphmau and starts walking slowly.

"I thought a lot about what I did to you and it makes me... guilty." Ein said in an almost saddened tone.

"It makes... me guilty too Ein. And I'm sorry that Dad lied to you your whole life but.... I want you to be redeemed." Aphmau said.

Lucinda, Liochant, and i raise eyebrows.

"Yeah. We both have things the other wants." Said Ein.

As he stopped walking away from Aphmau, just about 5 feet away from her, he turns around.

"Which brings me to why I'm here. I want you to tell me where the descendant of Enki is at" Ein said.

I went wide eyed to his response.

"Aph. Please, don't tell him. He might be trying to destroy the relics." I said as I told Aphmau.


I squeaked to his anger and walked up closer to Aphmau.

"The Potato can think for herself." Said Ein as he took two steps closers.

"Tell me where Enki's descendant is, and I'll leave you in peace." Ein demanded.

Zoey steps in.

"Leave them alone!" Zoey said.

Ein growls, he throws the tiny cake at the window and he walks over to Alina, crouching down, and wraps his arm around her neck.

"Tell me..." Ein says.

He then raises his and at Alina's face, emerald magic getting ready to fire.

"... Or Other Aphmau's daughter gets it." Ein continued.

Alina looks at us in fear, crying.

"MOMMY!!" Alina squealed.

"OKAY FINE! I'll tell you!" Said Zoey.

"Good." Said Ein.

He released his grip on Alina and he stood up. Alina runs to her mother, hugging her tight. She loosens her grip and hides behind her mother. He walked closer towards Zoey and she whispered in his ear. I couldn't tell what she said, but he smiled at her response. He stepped back and looked at Zoey and Other Aphmau.

"Thank you for your answer Elf. Enjoy your departure, Lady Irene. I'll leave you alone... for now." Said Ein.

He exited the house. We were all just speechless. We have to get this relic before Ein gets to it!

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