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(Aaron's POV)

I quickly get up and grab the purple sword. I charged at Shad and kicked him away from Aphmau. My ears and tail twitched rapidly for two seconds. I saw standing in front of Aphmau and I was face to face with Shad. I tried my hardest not to get extremely angry, but I'm just lucky my Ultima eyes haven't activated.

"Aphmau Shalashaska..... go to Melissa." I said angrily.

Aphmau ran to Melissa and the others. I just stood face to face with Shad as I got more angry.

"YOU. AREN'T. THE OTHER ME!!!!" I roared.

"Yeah! You aren't Other Aaron!!" Melissa added.

I turn back to look at her.

"Sis, not a good time." I said sheepishly.

I look back at Shad and he laughed like the wicked and empty shell he is.

"I can't believe your lover fell for that. She desperately wanted to believe that the other version of you was still alive. Didn't she?" Shad asked me.

This made me filled with anger and hatred towards this freak. That's when my Ultima eyes activated. I pulled out the purple sword.

"YOU LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS!!!!!!" I screamed.

I charged at him and we both clashed swords. He then kicked me to the ground and I dropped my purple sword. My Ultima eyes deactivated.

"WE ALL WANT HAPPY MEMORIES! But some of use a cursed to never have them!!!" Shad yelled at me.

"You... are... A MONSTER!!!!!" I screamed, fighting back tears.

He scoffed.

"So says the Ultima. The deadliest werewolf of all. Tell me, how did it feel when you became that giant wolf? How did it feel to let your rage consume you?" He asked me.

That made me horrified. Those words brought back horrible memories of Starlight Wonderland. When I lost control of myself...

He then walked over to Aphmau.

"This is your last chance to tell me, where my relic is." Shad said.

"NEVER!!" Aphmau yelled back.

I saw Other Aphmau, Lucinda, and Melissa get up on their feet. So did I. Shad sighed.

"Typical." Shad replied.

I rushed in front of Aphmau, arms spread out wide with protection.

"I won't let you hurt her!" I shouted.

He scoffed and he raised his sword.

"This time... you won't be able to help your lover." Shad said.

I was expecting him to slash his sword down on my chest giving me a huge scar across all the other scars on me, but no. He stopped, but... why?

"What's this? Why can't I move?!" Shad exclaimed.

I got confused. Was he... sparing or... is it something else?

"What's... going on?" Aphmau asked.

"I don't know." I said.

I then saw a few of the red cracks on Shad's left eye fade. The ones on his right eye didn't but he closed his right eye and looked down like he was in pain. But when he spoke... his voice... was... different.

"Werewolf me.... werewolf Aphmau.... run..." He said.

His voice was sounding like mine but I couldn't tell if this was manipulation. But when he said Aphmau's name, that made me realize that the other me IS alive. He's probably just living inside of Shad, locked away. He must be trying to gain control.

"I.... Other me?!" I exclaimed.

"Please... go... NOW!!!!!" He yelled at me with pain and agony.

As he looked up at me, the cracks on his left eye were gone but not on his right eye as it was closed. There was a twinkle in his left eye.

I gave him a terrified look.

"Aaron! We have to go!" Melissa called to me.

"Come on!" Lucinda said.

"Before Shad gain's control again!" Other Aphmau added.

I grab Aphmau's hand and we follow the others. I stop to look back.

"RUN!!" He said.

I continued to run away. I then heard Shad's voice.

"This... can't be happening! How is this even possible?!" He exclaimed.

I then heard him scream. It seems like he's trying to gain control.

My face is still shocked and scared at what just happened. As we ran back to the picnic, Haley was gone. So was Balder.

"Where the hell did the go?!" Lucinda exclaimed.

Melissa changed the topic.

"What happened to Shad? Was that really.... Other Aaron?" Melissa asked.

"There's no way." Said Other Aphmau.

"Well... he DID call me by my actual name instead of Irene." Aphmau said.

She was true about that part. We then went to find Haley. But I couldn't get my mind off of what just happened.

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