Chapter 91: Prisoners

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(Dottie's POV)

As the Shadow Knights dragged us into the Nether, I could only think about what Ein had just said.

"72 hours from now, meet me at the Nether fortress." I thought.

This made me tremble with fear and worry. What if they torture us? Or worse? Throw us in Jail?! We approached the Nether fortress. Shad must be waiting.

The gates opened and we were forced to walk through. We approached the massive halls of the Nether fortress. We came to a stop at a hall with a giant window at the very end. The Shadow Knights made us fall to our knees.

"Is this...?" Kim asked.

"The Nether." Kawaii~Chan answered.

"We're screwed." Maria said with fear.

I saw Aphmau.

"This place hasn't changed one bit." Aphmau said.

"Yeah." Lucinda added.

"True." Melissa said.

"I know. When we first came here, Evil Zane showed us this place. Showed us where Laurence was at, how we came across Ein. I.... dreamt of.... fighting the evil here." I said.

"And now we will. Except..." Melissa said.

She got cut off by some evil laughter that was too familiar to me. It was Shad. He teleported into the room. He slowly approached us.

"Welcome heroines." Shad said lowly.

We all growled. I tried to use my ice magic but Shad used his telekinesis to hold me in a strong grip.

"I'm not allowing that." Shad said.

A red light glows from his hand and it zaps me and Lucinda. A symbol appears on my hand that represents a staff that's under a no entry sign. The same symbol appeared on Lucinda's hand. That's when I realized that he used a spell to prevent me and Lucinda from using magic. I gasped in fear.

"NO!!!" Lucinda exclaimed.

Me and the gang all felt weak.

"That's more like it." Shad said.

He looked at Melissa, Kawaii~Chan, Kim, and Maria.

"I have no use for the four of you. Yet." He said.

Maria, Kim, Kawaii~Chan, and Melissa looked up to Shad in fear. Ein, Gene, Laurence, and Zenix grabbed ahold of them and looked at Shad.

"Take them to the torture chamber." Shad demanded.

My eyes widened with fear.

"NOO!!! MARIA!!" I exclaimed.

"OH NO!! MELISSA!! KAWAII~CHAN!" Lucinda said fearfully.

"KIM!!!!" Aphmau exclaimed.

We could only hear the screams of our friends getting weaker as Ein, Gene, Laurence, and Zenix dragged them away.

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