Chapter 3: Phoenix Drop

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(Melissa's POV)

My sleep was hard. The boat moving, two Garroth's, two Aphmau's, all of this is gonna be one whacky adventure. I just know it.

I open my eyes to see the sunlight hit my face, complaining at me to get up. As I looked out the small window of the boat, I noticed that we were heading towards a small island that had a village on it. That must be where Other Aphmau lives.

As I got out of bed and walked into the room Aphmau and Aaron were sleeping in, I noticed a little girl on top of Aaron's chest, playing with his ears. It was the little girl named Alina that Other Aphmau mentioned yesterday. She's Other Aphmau's daughter.

As Aaron awoke, he was startled by Alina playing with his ears. He picked her up as he got out of bed.

As me and my brother walked into the kitchen of the boat, we saw Other Aphmau and Other Garroth eating.

"This is yours, I assume." Said Aaron as he places Alina on the kitchen table.

Alina giggles. Other Aphmau slightly chuckles. But as the rest of the gang came out, she then explained something to us.

"So... since half of you are doppelgängers of people I know, such as myself... I'm gonna need you all to hide in crates so we can get you to my home. Oh and... Melissa, Dottie, Maria, Kim, Daniel, and Rylan. I'm gonna need you all to change for my daughter's birthday happening later on." Other Aphmau explained.

"Umm... is what we're wearing not... suitable?" Kim asked.

"Ummm... yeah..." Said Other Garroth.

"We understand." Said Dottie.

She was twirling a piece of her hair as he looked at her icy blue tips at the bottom of her hair.

"Okay. Not hurry up and change into the clothes I've laid out for you all." Other Aphmau said.

Aphmau, Aaron, Lucinda, Zane, Garroth, and Kawaii~Chan, got their clothes on, had breakfast, and they hid into crates that Other Garroth put out for them. As they got into the crates, Other Garroth put the lid on the boxes, that way no one would freak out due to the fact that Other Aphmau's village would all of a sudden have two Aphmau's.

Me, Kim, Dottie, Maria, Daniel, and Rylan changed into the clothes that Other Aphmau our out for us and we put our modern day clothes into a small bag that Other Garroth had for us.

I was wearing a pair of brown boots with black shorts, and a grey cold shoulder short sleeved shirt. Kim wore a green shirt with white shorts and black boots. Dottie wore a blue shirt with purple pants and light blue shoes. Maria wore an orange shirt with green pants and black shoes. Daniel wore a dark green shirt with jean pants and white shoes. Rylan wore a white shirt with blue pants and brown shoes.

I sorta felt bad for Aphmau, Aaron, Lucinda, Zane, Garroth, and Kawaii~Chan to be hidden in those crates. But it's worth it right now...

We were now at the boat docks. We were at Other Aphmau's village. Phoenix Drop. As Rylan, Daniel and Maria carry the crates the others are hiding in from out the boat, me, Kim, and Dottie walk out of the boat and look at the wonders of the village. I'm impressed that this version of Aphmau is a lord and she's a fighter.

To my left I saw a werewolf who had black hair and green eyes. She went inside the boat. A few minutes later, she was running out with Alina and Lilith. Other Aphmau came out as well.

"They're gonna grow up fast. Just watch" Said a blue haired man that was standing next to Other Garroth.

His name was Dante.

"I know. It's crazy!" Said Other Aphmau.

"It's hard to believe that Alina is 3" Other Garroth said.

"She's... grown up so much." Said Other Aphmau.

"He would be proud." Said Other Garroth.

He was referring to the Other Aaron. A part of me sank a little that there isn't another Aaron.

Other Aphmau, Other Garroth, and Dante were chatting and that Alina's birthday is happening soon. Me, Kim, and Dottie got off the boat and followed Other Aphmau into the village of Phoenix Drop. I hope the wolf pups manage to get Aphmau, Aaron, Lucinda, Zane, Garroth, and Kawaii~Chan into Other Aphmau's home. But hey, at least.... we know what we're doing.

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