Chapter 7: The Evil Zane

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(Kawaii~Chan's POV)

Maria, Dottie, Daniel, and Rylan went to take care of Alina with Leona while me, Zane, Garroth, Kim, Lucinda, Melissa, Aphmau, and Aaron stayed with Other Garroth, Katelyn, and Other Aphmau to see what this Evil Zane is up to. I can't believe that there's an evil version of the man that I am very attracted to.

I was scared, but deep down, I know that the Zane I love would never turn against me. Other Garroth, Other Aphmau, and Katelyn were talking.

Kim, Garroth, Zane, and Lucinda were talking to Aphmau to help her calm down about the Evil Zane in the room. Me, Melissa, and Aaron joined Other Aphmau's conversation.

"I-Uh... t-this can't be happening! He died!" Said Other Aphmau.

"Calm down! I'm... just as shocked as you are..." Other Garroth said.

"I wasn't expecting Zane to appear out of the nether at all. Trust me, when I saw him I was just as shocked." Said Katelyn.

Melissa joins in.

"Please... Tell me he wasn't the only one..." Said Melissa.

"I'm sorry. There was no sign of anyone else but Zane." Katelyn said.

"I'm going to speak with Zane. He is my brother. I should be the one to do it." Said Other Garroth.

"Go ahead." Said Aaron.

Other Garroth walks off and I turn to Other Aphmau.

"I.... can't look at him right now..." Said Other Aphmau.

"Right..." I said.

"I'm sorry to bring him here, but I wanted you to be the one to pass judgment on him. He's hurt you in more ways than one." Katelyn said.

I walked away from the conversation and I eavesdropped on Other Garroth and Evil Zane's conversation.

"Well now, come to see your brother, Garroth?" Evil Zane asked.

"No. MY brother died a long time ago." Said Other Garroth.

"Oh, how cliche. Be thankful I came back as a Shadow Knight. Now there's two in the family." Said Evil Zane.

Shadow Knight? Is that Phoenix Drop's enemy?


"And you think I care about that?!" Evil Zane asked.

He chuckles.

"You're more naive than you look." Said Evil Zane.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" Other Garroth asked in an angered tone.

Evil Zane left him silent.

"ANSWER ME!!" Other Garroth yelled.

"I have no reason to talk to you! BEGONE!" Evil Zane said.

"ZANE!" Other Garroth said.

"OUT OF MY FACE!" Evil Zane said.

I began to get angered.

"Don't talk to him like that!" I exclaimed.

Evil Zane looked at me. He was almost surprised that I stood up for Other Garroth. He narrowed his eyebrow.

"You.... come here." Evil Zane demanded.

I then felt a tiny bit scared. I slowed approached him from the metal bars of the cell and he walked closer and stopped just inches away from the metal bars.

"Tell me about the other version of myself." Said Evil Zane.

He was referring to the one I love. The Zane who had a change of heart.

"He's one of Aphmau's close friends and is also my love interest and—" I explained but Evil Zane cuts me off.

"He had a change of heart and somehow you convinced him to fall in love with you." Evil Zane said.

Things got quiet for 3 seconds.

"You... a Meif'wa..." Said Evil Zane.

I didn't know what else to do so I just walked away from him. He's so sly and mean. He sorta reminds me of.... never mind. I walked back over to Other Garroth, Other Aphmau, Katelyn, Aaron, and Melissa's conversation.

"There has to be some way to get him to talk." Said Other Aphmau.

"Hmm.. Well, I have this." Said Katelyn.

She pulled out a small purple, pinkish, and yellow star. It almost looked like an artifact.

"What is that?" Melissa asked.

"It's a— well, I don't know what it is exactly." Said Katelyn.

"Can I see..?" Aaron asked.

As Aaron reaches out to hold it, the small star thing glowed red. Aaron was startled by this and he jerked his hand back. The glowing stopped.

Other Aphmau grabbed ahold of it and then she said that she's going to use it to make Evil Zane talk.

As I saw Other Aphmau and Evil Zane talk, the evil version of Zane said that the Other Aaron is gone and that the Shadow Lord is possessing his body.

Aaron's heart sank when he heard that. I guess this means that in this world, Aaron is the villain.

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