Chapter 80: Shad Attacks!

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(Lucinda's POV)

It was Shad. He must've came here through the Nether portal. Aphmau looked terrified. What if he's here to kill Aphmau?!

"A fool Irene. Did you honestly think you could conceal yourself from me?" Shad asked.

I look at Aphmau with extreme concern. She looked at Shad with fear.

" S-Shad..." Aphmau shuddered.

Aaron places a hand on her shoulder to try and calm her down.

"Babe. It's okay.... I hope..." Said Aaron.

Oh jeez.... what if the relics power tries to take control of him again? What if Shad realizes that Aaron has 2/3's of his relic?! Or... what if Aaron turns into that giant wolf again?!?!

"The fates are in favor of us meeting like this." Shad said.

I then noticed that Aphmau began to break down.

"This isn't happening... not now... this has to some kind of nightmare!!!" Aphmau exclaimed.

"Aph it—" Aaron says but he gets cut off by Shad.

"That's right, Irene. This is just one nightmare." Said Shad.

He took a few steps forward. But not too close. Just about a few feet away. But I slowly grip my staff from inside my pocket. And I noticed that Aaron slowly pulls out the purple sword.

"Now, close your eyes, and it will all be over." Shad said.

He threw his red sword at us.

"Aphmau! Get down! GET DOWN!!!" Aaron exclaimed in fear.

He tackled Aphmau to the ground on the left as the red sword hit the tree. The sword was stuck and Other Aphmau fell on the ground. So did me and Melissa. That's when I pulled out my staff. It unfolded once I pulled it out of my pocket. Aphmau was on the ground as Aaron was on top of her.

"Aph! What were you thinking?!" Aaron asked in a panic.

"I'm sorry! I thought I was hallucinating!" Aphmau replied.

This made Shad aggravated.

"HOLD STILL!!" He yelled.

Aaron gets off of Aphmau and pulls his purple sword. Aaron was just a foot across from Shad. As he ran next to Shad, he made a small cut in Shad's torso. Aaron stopped running, turned around, and charged back at Shad. That's when Shad used his telekinesis on Aaron, pushing him to the ground.

Aaron got on one knee as he fell and started panting.

"You've lost your touch, haven't you?" Aaron taunted at him.

Shad laughed wickedly. He grabbed his sword from the tree and he looked at Aaron.

"Die!" Said Shad.

He charged at Aaron but Melissa grabbed Shad's forearm. She was trying to get the sword out of his grip. Shad pushed Melissa to the ground and Aphmau gets up on her feet and helps Melissa get back up.

Other Aphmau, now with a determined look, spreads her arms out in front of Aphmau and Melissa. She gave Shad a stubborn look as Shad walked closer.

"What do you want from us Shad?!" Other Aphmau demanded.

Shad creates a red and black glowing ball of energy and throws it at Other Aphmau, knocking her to the ground. I step in, standing in front of Melissa and Aphmau, and I readied a spell. Shad points his sword at us.

"You know very well why I'm here." Shad said.

I scoffed.

"Then you'll be disappointed." I said.

Aphmau ran to Aaron and Melissa ran over to Other Aphmau to help her get up.

"Tell me where my relic is!" Shad demanded.

"Somewhere you'd never think to look." I replied.

As I readied my staff at Shad, a blast of orange and yellow energy shot out from my staff. I expected it to hit Shad but it didn't. Instead he used his telekinesis to make it turn around and try to hit me. I tried to push it back with my protection spell but i wasn't strong enough and I used all my might to keep it from hitting me.

Shad laughed as I backed into a tree.

"YOU'RE NO MATCH!! Tell me where the relic is!!" Shad demanded.

I thought this was it for me but suddenly Melissa threw a rock at Shad, hitting him in the head, causing my spell to disappear and for me to fall to my knees. He looked at Melissa angrily.

"How dare you, foolish Werewolf..." Shad said.

He ran over to Melissa and caught her in his grasp. I readied my staff again as I got up. One of Shad's hands was on Melissa's chin.

"Little mongrel.... did it not occur to you that you were brought here for a reason?" Shad said.

Melissa raises an eyebrow. She gets out of Shad's grasp and runs over to me.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

Shad chuckled.

"In Enki village, there's a hidden relic in Enki's library. Kul'Zak's relic." Said Shad.

"And WHAT does this have to do with Melissa?" I asked.

"Kul'Zak had the ability to defend the innocent with his powers since he was a wanderer. And YOU, happen to defend everyone you love. Especially the girl next to you." Shad explained.

He meant me. But... what does he mean about Melissa though?

"You... are a descendant of Kul'Zak." Shad said.

WHAT?! OOOHHHH sweet Alabama, we've gotta find that relic before anyone else does!

As Aaron ran to Shad, me, Melissa, and Other Aphmau get up on our feet.

"Come on!" I said to Melissa and Other Aphmau.

As Aaron was knocked to the ground, Me and the gang ran over to him and I pulled him away from Shad. Then Shad turned his attention to Aphmau and he knocked her into a tree.

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