Chapter 93: It's Due To You, Irene

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(Lucinda's POV)

The past two days so far have been reckless. Melissa, Kawaii~Chan, Kim, and Maria still haven't came back from the torture chamber and Aphmau was taken to Shad to answer a question of his. It was probably about the relic and I'm assuming she refused. Day 1 was bad enough and day 2 has just been awful. It's now 7 at night, and I looked to Dottie.

"Hey, don't give up. I'm sure they've got a plan." I said.

Dottie cracks a smile at me.

"For Aphmau's sake, I do hope so." Said Dottie.

We heard foot steps. Shadow knights came down here with Kawaii~Chan, Kim, Maria, and Melissa in some sort of hold. One Shadow Knight pushed Maria into Dottie's cell. Kim and Kawaii~Chan were pushed into a cell together that was next to mine. And the last Shadow Knight pushed Melissa into my cell.

I hugged Melissa with sadness and happiness at the same time once the Shadow Knight locked our cells.

"You're alive! I thought they..." I said crying.

"It's fine. They got me, Kawaii~Chan, Kim, and Maria good. But Ein fed me KC, Kim, and Maria forever potions. I don't know when they'll take affect. But if they do, please make me feel a strong emotion." Melissa explained.

Tears fall from my cheeks when we stopped hugging.

"Alright. I'll try." I said.

We heard some more footsteps. We saw Aphmau walking down the steps. A Shadow Knight pushed her down to the bottom of the steps because she was walking slowly.

She grumpily looked back at the Shadow Knight and dusted off her arm as she turned back around. The Shadow Knight shoved her into her cell and locked it.

We explained to Aphmau what the Shadow Knights did to Kim, KC, Maria, and Melissa. I really wish I could make anti potions but I don't have my staff. We heard some footsteps. Shad came into the room. He eyed Aphmau and walked closer to her cell.

"It seems the Ultima's light is growing weak. Do you think darkness will make it satisfy?" Shad asked all of us as he looked around at everyone.

Aphmau glared at him angrily.

"You've disrespected the rules of peace. Now you're going to make my friends mindless slaves?!" Aphmau asked in anger as her hand grips on of the bars.

Shad looks back at Aphmau and he caresses her right cheek.

"My sweet little angel, don't be angry with me." He said trying to be seductive.

This angered me and my friends. It only made Aphmau more angry.

"Darkness has changed you, YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR SHAD!!" Aphmau yelled at him.

He teleports into Aphmau's cell and pins both of her wrists to the metal bars, holding them tightly so she wouldn't flee. It made her wince in pain.

"See how wrong you can be? The man I've become today, it is not due to darkness nor the relic. It's due to you, Irene." Said Shad.

How? He's just blinded by rage.

"What? No, how can you say that? Irene's been on your side!" Aphmau exclaimed in worry.

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