Chapter 31: A Black Flower?

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(Lucinda's POV)

I saw Aaron get up from his sleep and he went to check on the little ones. Other Aphmau, Katelyn, Melissa, Aphmau, and I were talking. Other Garroth was with Liochant and Levin.

"I informed the wolf pups about what's going on." I said.

"Alright." Said Melissa.

"Yeah..." Aphmau added.

Other Aphmau told me that her mission is to find all the relics of The Divine Warriors so that way we can use them to defeat Shad. Without them... well... then this world might fall into despair.

"So... what should we do?" Katelyn asked.

"Well... we have to start looking." Said Other Aphmau.

Yeah but... WHERE??? I start to think but it's actually a flashback.


Aphmau and Laurence then talked about the small sacrifice proposal they made earlier but now wasn't the time. I'm more concerned about what happened in this world. At times like these I wish I had the Deimos boys with me. Especially Leif.

Aphmau then tried talking to one of the frozen people. No response.

Me and Dottie draw our staffs but we look at them for a brief second. We then put them back in our pockets.

Laurence and Aphmau chatted for a little bit. We then heard a scream. Dottie's ear twitched. She said it sounded familiar to her.

"Leif, is that you I hear?" She questioned herself.

"No! No it wasn't Leif, Dottie! There's no way he could have fallen into this realm." I said.

"What was that?" Aphmau asked concerned.

Laurence took a few steps forward.

"Behind me!" Laurence commanded.

"I mean, you got the sword so, yeah." Aphmau said.

Me and Dottie stand next to Laurence, drawing our staffs, ready for combat.

"If anyone can hear me, run for your lives!!" Someone yelled.

"That voice! That's Modzilla!!" Aphmau exclaimed.

That's what Modzilla sounds like? He sounds an awful lot like Leif...

~~Flashback Ends~~

As I stopped thinking, I heard a scream. We saw Lilith running to Other Aphmau.

"Lilith?" Other Aphmau asked as she walks towards her adoptive daughter.

We saw Alina and Aaron standing next to... a black flower?

"ALINA!" Other Aphmau exclaimed.

We rushed over to Alina and Aaron. There was a black flower that had a purple aura around it.

"What just happened??" Aphmau asked as her ear twitched.

"Mommy!" Alina squealed.

Melissa turns to Aaron.

"Aaron. Explain to me exactly what just happened." Said Melissa.

"A purple and black aura glowed from her hand, and when she touched the flower, it just turned completely black. Like the life source was drained out of it completely." Aaron explained.

"Wha...?" I asked.

This has to be black magic. When Aaron turned to look at the flower, he crouched down and reached a hand out to the flower.

A red and black aura glowed from his hand and the zap of magic hit the flower. The black flower grew about a few inches taller, possibly 8 feet taller than us, and it looms over as it towers over us, thorns popping out from both sides of the flower. Even thorns were popping out from the petals.

"Oh..." I said.

"My..." Melissa added.

"Irene..." Katelyn finished.

Aphmau looked at Aaron. Aaron turns around as he looks at his hands in terror.

"What... did you...?" Aphmau asks.

I was positive that he had no idea what he just did.

"We... NEED to take them to see The Elder." Said Other Aphmau.

I heard Aaron sniffling. He was... crying?

"I'm sorry." He sobbed as his ears and tail sank.

Aphmau hugs him for support.

"Hey... shhh... it's okay. We'll figure this out together." Said Aphmau.

Other Aphmau, Aaron, Alina, and Aphmau walked over to see The Elder while me, Melissa, and Katelyn take Lilith to Other Garroth. I hope they figure out what's wrong with Aaron soon...

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