Chapter 2: The Other Aphmau

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(Lucinda's POV)

Horns went off like they were alerting intruders. Me and the gang then had concerned looks on our faces. Me and Dottie pull out our staffs getting ready for combat.

"What do you plan on doing with that?" Melissa asked.

"I have no clue." I said.

Aphmau grabbed Aaron's hand for comfort. Aaron looked to his fiancée. We all heard faint whispers from left and right. I used some magic to shoot an orange and gold crystal arrow from the left side of the boat.

When it hit the wall, soldiers in armor came out with swords ready for combat. They all had their swords pointed at us. It's almost as if they were trying to lure us into a trick.

"Lower your weapon." Said one of the guards.

I still kept my grip on my staff.

"I..." I said but it wasn't long till a blond haired man in gold and blue armor showed up. He had cerulean eyes which looked way too familiar to me.

"Boys..." The blond haired man said to the soldiers.

Melissa raises an eyebrow.

"Why does that one soldier look so... familiar?" She questioned.

I quickly realized that this man looked exactly like Garroth! Except no werewolf features. If things get confusing, I'll just call him Other Garroth.

"Sir! Get the staff!" Said another solider.

As the soldiers and Other Garroth charged at us, Dottie quickly used her ice magic to freeze the floor, causing everyone to slip and fall except us. They all have shocked expressions on their faces.

"That was magic.... did you see that Sir Garroth?" One of the soldier's asked.

"Of course I saw it." Said Other Garroth who struggled to get back up on his feet.

As Dottie stopped using her ice magic, the ice on the floor faded and the soldiers and Other Garroth got back up on their feet. Daniel looked to Dottie.

"You chose a nice cold greeting..." Daniel said.

"Who are these people?" Rylan questioned.

"I don't know." Said Maria.

"Neither do I." Said Dottie.

As the wolf pups got confused, Aphmau and Aaron got puzzled for a second. So did Zane, Kawaii~Chan, Garroth, and Kim.

"Sir Garroth! Did you catch the intru—.... der's...?" Said someone.

A woman with raven black hair and caramel eyes. She wore a purple chainmail armor with a maroon chestplate over it along with light purple plates near the sides of her stomach. She also wears a gauntlet bracelet on her wrist and wears a light brown belt and a light purple miniskirt. She wears shorts underneath her skirt and has maroon and dark purple boots.

As she comes out, she spots Aphmau. The two look at each other wide eyed in surprise.

"Wait... that woman in purple armor looks a lot like...." Kim says.

I immediately realized that face.

"Aphmau!" Said both me and Melissa.

There was another Aphmau. To make things less confusing, I'll call her Other Aphmau.

"W-Wha...? How...?" Other Aphmau questioned.

Aphmau's ears and tail twitched. She started to question what's going on.

~~1 Hour Later...~~

After some explanation, we told the doppelgänger's of Garroth and Aphmau our story and after they understood that our Aphmau, Aaron, and Garroth are werewolves, our Zane is good, our Kawaii~Chan doesn't speak third person anymore, and all the drama we've been through lately.

Then they told us their story, that Other Aphmau is the descendant of a god and that their Zane is evil and that their Aaron passed away.

"So in world, the other me is dead?" Aaron asked.

"Yep." Said Other Aphmau.

"And the other me in this place is evil?" Zane asked.

"Yeah." Other Garroth said.

I was surprised. Two versions of two people I know. Things are about to get complicated...

"Oh, and please don't threaten me. I am not gonna harm someone that's clearly my older sibling." Zane said.

He does have a point. He's not evil.

"Fair point." Said Other Aphmau.

Other Aphmau then explained that she has three adopted kids and one kid that she and Other Aaron had. Her biological daughter is named Alina. She then said that her adopted kids are Levin, Malachi, and Lilith Garnet. She also said that Alina and Lilith are sleeping.

I turned to my friends.

"Guys. I knows this is a potion that I accidentally made a couple of months ago, but this is The Overworld. And just to let you all know, this potion lasts for 48 days." I explained.

"Are you saying we're stuck in this world for two months?!" Aphmau asked.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Well, where are we gonna stay?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

Other Aphmau said that they can stay with them until this potion wears off.

~~15 Minutes Later...~~

We all got into pjs that Other Aphmau let us borrow and we all got our own bed on this ship. I'm surprised that there's other versions of ourselves in this world. But Zane was shocked due to the fact that Other Kawaii~Chan loves Dante and has two kids. But right now, we focus on explaining this to Other Aphmau's village when we arrive in the morning. I sank into my sleeping bag and fell asleep.

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