Chapter 5: The Birthday Party

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(Kim's POV)

Aphmau, Aaron, Lucinda, Zane, Garroth, and Kawaii~Chan are at Other Aphmau's home. That way things wouldn't get so confusing. Dottie and the wolf pups decided to watch Alina and Lilith with Leona. The werewolf girl from the boat. Me and Melissa were standing outside the barn of the party as the red haired girl named Kiki began to greet some of the guests.

"You think Aaron's doing alright?" I asked Melissa.

"I hope so..." Melissa said.

"Me too... but this world... seems familiar to mine... even though.... something feels different." Said Ghost as she briefly took over for a second.

I started to question Ghost.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well... this world... it feels... like mine. Except... the villain can not be redeemed..." Ghost explained.

"Are you telling me that the villain from your world was redeemed but this is an alternate version of your world where the villain can't be redeemed?" I questioned.

"Yes." Said Ghost.

If what she's saying is true, this means that the Zane from her world was redeemable. And the one that was here isn't redeemable. But if we are gonna be in this world for two months, Aaron at least needs to get outside soon.

Me and Melissa walked inside the decorated barn and saw Other Aphmau talking to Other Kawaii~Chan who was in a very colorful outfit.

"Oh my... Kawaii~Chan!" Said Other Aphmau with excitement.

"Aphmau~Senpai, do you like it!?" Other Kawaii~Chan asked with joy.

"I'm not the one you should be asking about that. But~ if you were asking me... Kawaii~Chan, I love it!" Other Aphmau said.

"EEEEEEKKK!!! Kawaii~Chan is so glad to hear that! You have no idea!" Said Other Kawaii~Chan.

"I'm sure Alina loves it. She loves anything with cake so it's an instant win in her book." Said Other Aphmau.

I smiled. I'm glad that this other version of Aphmau is happy. But sorta sad that she has no Aaron with her. Other Kawaii~Chan giggles.

As Other Aphmau and Other Kawaii~Chan talked, they mentioned Other Kawaii~Chan's kids. Their names were Dmitri and Nekoette. I'm surprised that this version of KC has kids. But Zane was absolutely speechless when Other Aphmau told him about Other Kawaii~Chan.

As the two chatted freely, I saw a blonde haired man and a brown haired man walk into the barn.

Other Aphmau hugged them. Those two must be Levin and Malachi. She was happy to see her two sons.

~~4 Minutes Later...~~

After the littles finished playing with the Leona and the wolf pups, we started to have cake.

"It's my birthday!" Said Alina.

Me and Melissa smiled.

~~Time Skip~~

An hour or two passed and I suddenly saw Dante rushing towards us. He began to talk to Other Garroth. Me, Melissa, Dottie, Daniel, Maria, and Rylan walk up to see what's the commotion.

Other Garroth then said that we need to follow Dante. I asked if we could bring Aphmau, Aaron, Lucinda, Zane, Garroth, and Kawaii~Chan with us to see what the crisis is about. He agreed and Other Aphmau also agreed to explain the situation to those who don't understand why there are two versions of Aphmau.

Me, Melissa, and the wolf pups followed them. I started to get a worried feeling that something is wrong. I saw Dottie on her phone for a brief moment, calling the others to tell them to meet us at the docks. Whatever's going on... I don't have a good feeling about it...

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