Chapter 4: The Village

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(Dottie's POV)

We followed the others into the village and I began to take wonder in the beautiful surroundings of the town. They were very neat. I looked to Other Aphmau and Dante.

"So, the party is at Kiki's barn? Correct?" Other Aphmau asked.

"Yep. There's still a lot to do and Kawaii~Chan is expecting me to help." Said Dante.

He was referring to the Other Kawaii~Chan.

Garroth wants to help Dante out but Dante says that he's got this. Other Aphmau had a worried expression on her face because some people were wanting to see her because they were "Irene Worshipers".

As Other Aphmau, Other Garroth, and Dante began to chat, I started to look at Kim and Melissa. They both feel okay about this. Even though, it's freaky to see two versions of someone that I know. I start to think but it's actually a flashback.


It's been a few hours since me and the others have had breakfast, and changed into our clothes. Ava went to Mrs. Oates's place. I don't know why though. Me, Melissa, Aphmau, and Kawaii~Chan were in the bathroom brushing our teeth. I look at the others.

"You think today is gonna be a normal day?" I asked.

"Meh... I highly doubt it." Melissa replied.

"I agree." Said Aphmau.

"True." Kawaii~Chan said.

I sighed.

"Well... lets just hope that today won't be too crazy..." I replied.

"Asch! Demons! Aphmau! Melissa! Dottie! Kawaii~Chan! All you guys please come here!" Ava yelled as we heard her from the hall.

"Let's see what she needs." Said Melissa.

"Okay." Said Kawaii~Chan

Me and the others exit the bathroom and we enter the living room.

"What's the crisis?" I asked.

Ava whispered in my hear.

"I'm going to be babysitting." She whispered.

"Who?" I replied in confusion.

"Mrs. Oates's granddaughter." Said Ava.

~~Flashback Ends~~

I stopped thinking about the adventures I had with Ava awhile back and turned my focus to Kim and Melissa.

"Hey guys?" Kim asked.

"Yeah?" Said both me and Melissa.

"Do you think that... something bad might happen while we're here?" Kim asked.

"I'm positive Kim." Said Melissa.

"Alright." Said Ghost as she took over Kim's body for a brief second.

I then started to wonder how everyone else is doing. Other Aphmau began to walk off to her home and me and my friends followed her. I just hope that Maria is taking care of everyone else.

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