Chapter 1: The Galar Region!

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, apologies for the delay! We will be arriving at Galar soon!"

People clapped and cheered as the announcer spoke. You moved away from the railing of the boat and made your way closer to the woman speaking.

"I suggest taking the train to get to your next destination! While you're at it, why not stop by a few souvenir shops along the way? The Galar region has much to offer!" The announcer said.

Once the boat safely docked, you were the first passenger to step foot onto Galar. It was beautiful, especially at nighttime. The cheerful people, the liveliness of the was all new to you. A single pokéball was attached to your waist as you made your way through the dock.

The dock was surprisingly crowded and difficult to navigate. People bumped into one another as you tried to determine where the train station was. Your thoughts were pulled elsewhere when you heard a group of people cheering.

"Oh my goodness it's Leon!"

"What!? The Leon!? What's he doing here!?"

You moved though the crowd of cheering people, trying to get a glimpse of who they were talking about.

In the middle of the crowd stood a man with long purple hair and beautiful yellow eyes. What really caught your attention was the red cape on his back.

People were losing their minds by just looking at the guy. Perhaps this 'Leon' person was a celebrity of some sort.

"Greetings everyone! Welcome to Galar! For the returning people, welcome back! I kinda took a wrong turn somewhere and I honestly don't know where I am..." Leon sheepishly said. The crowd laughed.

"Anyway! Everyone, enjoy your stay! I hope you all have a champion time!" Leon posed and crowd cheered, the flash of cameras going off. His smile was so contagious. In your eyes, he was definitely a celebrity.

After the crowd dispersed, you located the train station and rushed to board the train. When you approached it, however, you noticed that it was packed. There was no way you were going to fit.

"I guess I'll wait for the next train," You said. You watched the doors shut as the train sped off to its next destination.

"Actually, that was the last train for today," You heard a voice say behind you. You turned around to find the same celebrity guy as before. Leon, was it?

"I had no idea..." You murmured.

You would be stuck here until tomorrow if you didn't find another mode of transportation.

"...I guess I'll just have to walk. How far away is the nearest city?" You asked the man. He placed a hand underneath his chin.

"Hmm...Motostoke is the closest city from here. I think. I'm not the best with directions haha...But it's dangerous to travel alone at night. So I wouldn't risk it," Leon said, noticing your calm expression.

"That's fine, I'll take the risk of walking. Thanks for the help mister." You moved past him.

"Wait! I've got a better idea! How about you take a flying taxi!" Leon suggested.

"Flying taxi?"

"It's another mode of're not from here, are you?"

"No, I'm not. How could you tell?"

"You have an accent," Leon explained.

You scolded yourself for asking such a silly question.

"Makes sense. This is my first time visiting Galar," You said. "Are you a celebrity?"

"Well...allow me to introduce myself!" Leon struck the same pose from early on. Perhaps this was a reoccurring thing for him?

"My name is Leon, Champion of Galar!"


"I had no idea!!!" You exclaimed, bowing slightly. "My apologies, Mr. Leon!"

"Hey now, no need for formalities! Just 'Leon' is fine." He noticed the single pokéball around your waist. "And you are?"

"Y/N, nice to meet you," You said.

"Likewise. So, Y/N. Why are you visiting Galar?"

You tried to think of the best answer to this question.

"I'm mainly here to sightsee," You explained. "I also needed a break from life back home."


Leon motioned you to follow him as the two of you continued to speak. You followed Leon outside the train station, and he ordered you a flying taxi. Standing next to the champion really showed the difference in height. He looked to be 6ft tall, much taller than you were.

"It takes a bit for the taxi to get here..." Leon said. "So, have you ever considered taking the gym challenge in this region?"

You had not. You attempted the challenge before in your own region but struggled once you hit the big leagues. The Indigo Plateau was just too much.

"It's never crossed my mind," You said. "I'm not sure."

"Well, how about you visit the Wyndon Stadium and watch the Champion's Cup? I'll be facing a challenger there," Leon suggested. "You can decide whether or not you're interested in participating in the gym challenge afterwards."

Being in a stadium full of hundreds, possibly thousands of people you didn't know? Sounded like a nightmare.

"Come on Y/N! It'll be a great way to get the feel of how battling is done here! Plus, it'll be a great experience!"

You pondered the idea of being in such a large stadium.

"I'll give you a front row seat~"

Leon had the sweetest smile on his face and you couldn't bear to say 'no'.

"Alright! I'll go Leon," You said, returning his smile.

"Really?! That's awesome!!! Here, let's exchange contact info!"

The two of you exchanged numbers as you noticed a large black bird land directly in front of you. The bird looked at the two of you, its red eyes almost glowing.

"Oh! Looks like your taxi's arrived," Leon said.

You pulled out your phone and scanned the pokémon.

"No known info in database," The phone chirped.

"That's weird," You said.

"You'll need to update your phone's pokédex for this region," Leon explained, rubbing through the bird's feathers. "This is a Corviknight. It'll fly you to your next destination."

You approached the bird and Leon helped you climb on its back.

"Change of plans Corviknight! She's heading to Wyndon!" Leon said. "She's a special guest of mines, so make such she gets there safely!"

The bird nodded and begin to flap its wings.

"Thanks for all the help Leon! I appreciate it!" You said.

"No problem! Make sure you find an inn once you get there! Be safe Y/N!"

"I will!"

You held on tight as Corviknight took off into the night sky. You could not believe that you had met the champion right after stepping foot in Galar.

Perhaps life here would be better after all.


I just love Leon <3 I just had to get this fanfic off my chest lol. Chapter 2 will be up soon!

A Champion's Time (Leon x Reader x Raihan)Where stories live. Discover now