᯽ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙭 ᯽

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𝙎𝙚𝙤 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙊𝙛 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬

After Ten had changed up with the woman, she then went back to cooking as few costumers were lining up, making him and me alone at the small table.

" so, she doesn't really know? " I decided to break the silence, our empty plates on the side properly placed. I looked at him as he sighed.

" she doesn't have to, I don't want her to get involved into any of this " I nodded, he looked away once more and back to me as we both held tight eye contact with each other.

" will you now finally tell me why you have been sent to me, Johnny? " he smirked at my name, as I just scoffed.

" The people who had sent are Mr.Nakamoto Yuta and Mr.Dong Sicheng " and that's when I knew, that those names we're definitely familiar to him - as his expression changes and his eyes lit up even more,

" really? how are they? how'd you know them? why did they send you? " I can see the eagerness and concern in his eyes, as he bombed me with questions all at the same time.

" as far as I know they have been fine since I have left I haven't really been in contact with them, "  I thought about it, the last time I had been in contact was when I have arrived here In Thailand, Yuta had sent me personal information about the hybrid - but ever since I haven't heard anything, thinking about this made me feel uneasy.

" But why did they send you? and how? " his voice sounds so surprised at the fact that these people had sent to him,

" They sent me here to take you back to the headquarters in South Korea for an important matter, that I did not know the reason of but only Mr.Nakamoto can answer " the more I answer him, the more he became confused with everything - he tilted his head to the side, making him like an adorable kid who is clueless, smiling inwardly at this.

" what do you mean by headquarters?? "

" Ten, Mr.Nakamoto and Mr.Dong are my bosses they own a very big company for protection to many kinds, and I just happen to work there " His mouth hanged open due to shock, he tried speaking but nothing came out of his moving mouth.

" Are you that surprised? "

" of course I am!, I will just tell you this but they are my closest friends in the past - our connection has been cut because of reasons now you are telling me that they hire agents to protect our kind and humans? like how the fuck- "

" wait, you were friends with my boss? "

" is that really unbelievable? "

" If I am being honest, it really is " he stood up for a while just to hit me on the shoulder, making me groan holding onto it since he really had hit hard.

" Okay, you didn't have to punch me that hard " he just smiled at me like he hadn't done anything wrong.

" then when are we leaving?? " the sudden question, furrow my eyebrows as well

" well, Mr.Nakamoto did tell me I only have a week, but he hasn't contacted me yet even though I only have 2 more days left "

" damn I shouldn't have let you succeeded and ran away "

" I seriously don't like you "

" The feeling is mutual, fatass "

" you never run out of insults, I swear to god " I facepalmed as he just chuckled cutely, making me crack a smile.

Before I could even mutter a single word out, just then someone had interrupted us.

" I've finally found the famous Ten " his voice made me feel uneasy, but Ten didn't seem to budge, as he just drank his drink casually.

" oh? Do you want my autograph or something? " seeing the man clench his jaw, knowing that Ten is already getting under his nerves.

" Actually no, but someone does take interest in you " Ten placed his drink down, as he stands up - looking up since the man is twice as him but not fear was visible, couldn't do anything but just stare for now, but getting my gun ready behind me just in case.

" well tell that person who you are referring to, if he or she does take interest in me then don't be a pussy about it and actually meet me personally and not send some slave " the man clicked on his tongue as Ten's remark is getting him annoyed, as the hybrid just gave a sly smirk.

The man then held Ten's arm tightly having enough, as the other didn't even flinch at this - but I could sense that he is also hurting a bit by the firm grip, " listen here you piece of shit, I've had enough with this attitude of yours. You are coming with me whether you like it or not "

Knowing that this is a public place, where someone Ten treasures are here, and they about to make a scene - innocents are going to get involved. Standing up quickly, as I pulled his hand away from Ten, hiding the smaller behind me as I glared at the man only slightly taller than me; as he did the same with me but with a hint of confusion.

" don't force him if he doesn't want to " The man scoffed at this, as he crossed his arms, over his chest.

" and who are you to intervene? " taking out something from my pocket, showing it in front of his shocked face.

" I am officer Seok Jon-jun, and I would be glad to take you in for harassment if you don't step away from this man right now " seeing the man tensed up at this, as his nervousness was clearly shown.

" o-oh I apologize, sir, it's just that I had personal issues with the man behind you "

" I don't even know you " Ten fired back, as I tried containing my laughter, as he smiled innocently with the rapid blinking that came along with it, coming off as a mock to the older but to me delightful.

I knew the man was now really making him peeved, but of course, I also knew that he won't do anything to the hybrid as long as he knows I am here. Looking at the man in front of me once more, as he tried to control his temper, letting out the fakest smile he could've managed.

" I apologize then Officer, I thought he was someone else - I would take my leave now " he sounded so strained, turning his man heels around as he started walking away.

Laughing at this, but cut shortly once Ten pulled me with him - running away, quickly as possible, as I looked back the man did too, as he just realized the fact that Ten is wanted therefore he couldn't be able to be with an Officer.

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