᯽ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙭𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 ᯽

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𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙣 𝙇𝙚𝙚𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙮𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙠𝙪𝙡'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙊𝙛 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬

No. Don't think like that Chittaphon, so what if your heart is beating infrequently? It doesn't mean anything right? I can't be because this asshole his holding onto your wrist right? No impossible. Like why would- the sudden yanking off my wrist once more snapped me out of my debate bubble with myself and me.

" Why are you dragging me here? the other way is where the cool machines are! " I whined to the taller holding onto me, as we finally stopped, looking anywhere but at Johnny's broad shoulders. " you think that's all? " he faced me with a smug displayed on his squishable cute face- no shut the fuck up Chittaphon.

" what- " before I could finish my sentence, he then pressed a green controller, that was apparently next to him, along with other colored buttons. I furrowed my eyebrows at his weird expression, filled with enthusiasm before I can talk once more, the ground started to tremble to make me lose my balance slightly.

Clutching onto the inner buttoned-up shirt of Johnny, me leaning onto his torso. Widening my eyes at this, I then pushed him back surprised at my own actions as he laughed, " flustered much babes? " hitting him on the shoulder, as he just continued laughing.

" stop being a jerk, and tell me why the hell did the ground just shake? "losing my patience with him always taunting me just because I am not aware of anything at this location, " chill out, Ten. Just look behind you and you'll find out " Crossing my arms as I raised one of my eyebrows skeptically.

" and what if I don't want to? " tilting my head to the side as it is his turn to be teased now, he then sighed as he went closer to me, placing his hands on my shoulders, as he then veered me around by himself instead of disagreeing.

My jaw dropped, both my hands then fell onto my sides while Johnny never removed his touch from me, but instead of remaining on my shoulders, his other arm rested onto my waist. Don't freak out you shit!.

Before I could react to that, I focused on the exhibition in front of me was incredible.

A white spotless jet is now displayed right before my eyes. The whole plane was so shiny and it seemed so subtle to even ride on, clear glass for the windows, " can I fly it? " The first question came to my mind, blurting it out to the agent next to me, who lead my the way towards the automobile.

" well, you have to ask Mr.Nakamoto yourself for that, when we get there " a smile instantly appeared on my face when he mentioned that, stopping in my tracks resulting him to do so as well, " you're telling me, that we will travel on that thing owned by Yuta?!?! " still not believing that the infamous Yuta Nakamoto possesses this remarkable aircraft.

" yes, it is- " being cut off once more, by the holler of another three females ( from our opposite side ) how many girls is he close to?. Thinking this to myself, as Johnny usher us to where he was called by the other two co-workers of his. " Silver! " a girl with bangs, waved at him.

" hey there Lisa, long time no see and I see Minnie is here too " Johnny greeted back as the girl named Lisa with orange hair and bangs nodded as her response. While supposedly the Minnie girl gave her a simple high five - both of them having the same color of the suit as taller next to me, addressing at their small reunion.

" Also, this Ten the one I notified you about " finally an introduction, their gazes averted to Johnny and landing on me, putting welcoming smiles to me, " Sorn, I can't believe you tried to harm this cutie " the one with black hair, stood beside me as she started to lecture Sorn - who simply accepted it.

Smiling at the compliment, but as Minnie got closer to me. I could feel a protective embrace by the one and only Johnny. Looking up at him suspiciously, as to why he was being overprotective over me with his collaborators. Maybe, feeling my gaze on him, as he stopped talking to Lisa and peeped down at me ( due to the height difference ).

Our eyes stared at each other, his beautiful brown orbs glistening amazingly as I feel like I could stare at them all day long, his cute nose that makes me wanna bop it playfully, his lovable cheeks making me wanna squish them gently, and lastly glimpsing at his perfectly shaped lips that looked kissable right at this moment.

A sudden shutter click made us both startled, as I blinked rapidly and he let go of me, feeling the warmth disappeared along. " really Min you forgot to turn the flash off? " Sorn exclaimed, as Lisa facepalms. I stood there, the sudden actualization came to me like a big slap on the face, ducbowehcowehc, stupid heart! Calm yo tities, please.

" ooh uhm, we should really start heading now " Taking small glances at Johnny, who looked so flustered as he rubbed the back of his nape embarrassingly. As he noticed me, peeking at him I turned my head really sharply to the other direction, feeling like I snapped my neck from that - the sudden hotness rushed onto my cheeks, as it probably turned into a tinge of pink.

" aww, come on you two. Don't be so shy to show affection just because we're here " Minnie, teased. Making me choke on the thin air, whilst Johnny tried to explain that we merely acquaintances who simply hate each other, " sure, keep denying those perceptions but watch you two might end up with each other " Sorn stated.  me? A RELatIOnShiP wiTh a HanDsOme MothErfreAking JerK, I thiNk NOt!.

" oh my god, Sorn please stop. Mr.Nakamoto is the one requesting for him that's why he is here, so if you three don't stop harassing his personal guest than I am reporting you three " Johnny stuttered as he made up his excuse, and to make the other three agents shut up, being glad that they did for a while. So I could finally catch my breath after those impossible accusations.

" It was these two! " Lisa pointed at her friends, making the other two glared at her, " fine, we will stop the teasing. That will become reality " Minnie murmured the last sentence, as Johnny squint his eyes at what she could've said, while I didn't need to.

" thank you Min, now Ten are you ready to finally go to South Korea? " he turned to me, once again with a smile plastered onto his face, returning the gesture, A an idea pop up unto my brilliant idea. I then smirked and, came closer to the tall agent, with a smirk on my face.

"I'm ready to go anywhere John, as long as I am with you "

𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐭 - 𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now