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𝙉𝙤 𝙊𝙣𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙊𝙛 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬

Johnny didn't notice that fact that he had just stopped breathing as those words came out from those seductive lips of the smaller too close to him, to even control himself, to just ravish him right here right now and show him that he is giving him lusts uncontrollably.

" now, lead the way ladies " the hybrid, made him snap out his daze, with bad intentions running through his mind - whilst Ten having the hint of what the taller, did think of for a moment, it was obvious, for his perspectively honestly. Teasing the agent, by leaving him there and followed the three workers towards the jet that they would be boarding.

" Everything is set up for the flight already, but we just need confirmation from our top boss, and of course you two " Lisa explained, as she pulled out a cool looking remote, pressing on it - Ten saw the jet opening from the side, as it showcases the stairs automatically, with its strong railings.

" you're coming with us? " Ten asked, and now Johnny stood still next to him, quietly still thinking of some impure ideas he tried getting rid of. Minnie eyed the two, trying so hard not to just shove them into one room and let them do their thing already, as she notices the tension between them.

" yes, I am your pilot after all " she chuckled at the hybrid's expression, " really?! " she nodded, " not only me but also Minnie, will be my supporting pilot in training " Minnie smiled at the mention of her name, Johnny then tried to join the conversation and ignore his desires.

" wait, if Minnie is still under training for this department, why would she be taking off with you? " Johnny asked, as he placed his hand behind Ten's back gently, " I need to acquaint her the practicals Silver, and this is a fast flight. I can guarantee you, we can handle this ".

" alright " Lisa nodded, as she walked up the stairs first with Minnie tagging along, " well, have a safe flight you guys, and hope to see you again Johnny and nice meeting you Ten " Sorn bid her farewells, as Johnny went over to her, and they hugged for a short time but that didn't stop Ten to think ' was the hug mandatory? '.

" you too Sorn, and say bye to your boyfriend for me will you? " she laughed at this, and waved goodbye to the other agent with a small nod - but with the mention of her having a partner, perked up Ten's interest. The moment she walked away, and Johnny went back to him, he just couldn't stop himself from gossiping.

" so she has a boyfriend?? " he instantly asked, making Johnny laugh and pointed the way up the stairs to the jet, supporting Ten. " of course, she has. Why are you asking? " Ten shrugged at this, but smiled inwardly - as he goes up the stairs with Johnny trailing behind him thinking he should stop looking at places he shouldn't gaze on but he gotta admit ' Ten's gotta great ass '

" I know " Ten suddenly spoke up, chuckling, while Johnny widened his eyes realizing he had said those out loud which he didn't ever intend to. " wait- I didn't mean to- " Once more Ten cracked up, so badly. While boarding the plane, with a face-palming Johnny scolding himself for his un-intentional actions. 

" is the agent that flustered over me? " Ten stopped, making the taller stop as well, the hybrid turned around to face him with that innocent and beautiful smile that could lit up the world just of that one activity. " I am not flustered," he said those firmly but his body reacted differently, with the sudden blood rush through his cheeks that are now tinted in the slightest shades of light pink.

" your face says otherwise " Ten pointed out, as he poked Johnny's right cheek gently, the taller rolled his eyes at this and decided if Ten wants to tease him like this then two can play it that game, so being bold he then grabbed Ten's wrist making the other knocked out of air.

Pulling him close, as he positioned one of his arms on the smaller's petite waist, their breaths could be felt on each other's skin, not daring to look up this time, Johnny leaned in closer to the hybrid's ears " that's not the only thing that says otherwise " Ten gulped at this, knowing what the taller meant, he just stood there speechless and a blushing mess.

Johnny smirked, but he himself knew he wasn't lying about his problem caused by the smaller in his grasp. This time, he moved away, and left Ten there stunned with his thoughts - Johnny, on the other hand, went over to the pilot's cabin where two of his staffers are, as that happened the opening where they came from the outside closed automatically.

Ten bit his lip and looked back behind him to see the agent, entering the other room to check in with their departure, deciding cool down for now. He looked around the spacious jet, the comfortable chairs placed here and there with the organization. There was also a small table, near the lounging area where a bigger seat was located.

A flat-screen was also present, and to his right was filled with alcohol stands, and drink, food displays. It really was first class, agreeing on sitting on the bigger lounge, feeling the soft cushions, were relaxing, as he just thought how could get some peace and forget about his feelings for some time.

But sadly it was just a thought as the tall agent then came back in, trying to ignore his presence by closing his eyes - the sudden suspicion, as he felt that the couch had been added by pressure next to him, he did not dare to move nor breath heavily, but his heart beats promptly.

" relaxing? " Johnny whispered with his low voice against his ears once more, making flutter his eyes open. Seeing Johnny next to him that close, where nobody is around to stop nor intervene was just nerve-wracking but he wouldn't show it, of course, he needs to have the upper hand here, it's Ten were talking about.

" well it was until you disrupted me " Ten looked at Johnny, with that gaze of his, but then scoffed as he looked away once more. " then I succeeded with your wanted attention than " Ten sighed, as he decided to take this game up a notch.

𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐭 - 𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now