᯽ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 ᯽

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𝙎𝙚𝙤 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙃𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙊𝙛 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬

" ow!, can't you be more gentle? " we are now in the HQ's private clinic, as Ten was just watching the treatment done to me, I can really tell that he was trying so hard not to burst out of laughter right now, because of what is happening to me.

" Stop being a pussy, Johnny, you've gone through worse " rolling my eyes as Ten got up from his seat and raised his hand up high as the one threating me gave him a high five.

" I like you! Instead of that lady over there " Ten motioned to who that 'lady' he as referring to, which is Sorn, who just sighed,

" glad that you do, I'm agent Bambam by the way " removing his medical gloves as he shook hands properly with Ten, as the smaller's eyes sparkle at this, I scoffed instead, " that's a catchy name " my co-worker laughed.

" and you are the scandalous Ten right? " the other nodded, making me scoff as I tried gaining their attention back to me and my injured leg. " someone's jealous " almost giving me a heart attack, I placed a hand over my chest where my heart is beating rapidly now from the sudden whisper from Sorn who is now beside me instead of  Ten who is enjoying his precious time with the other medical agent.

" me? Jealous? Johnny? Why would I be Jealous? " Sorn then chuckled at me, as I am still confused as to why she would think I am jealous, that's honestly amusing.

" defensive much? "

" Am not, I just don't want to get charged with an emotion I believe I do not feel " she then facepalmed, as I try to dismiss this issue,

" sure, keep being in denial Johnny "

" what do you freaking me- " getting interrupted with her placing a finger over my mouth and pointed - to where Bambam and Ten were walking away, heading to the private cafeteria in the headquarters. Clicking my tongue, as I abruptly stood up from seat not caring about my extraordinary cast that wrapped around my ankle, as it could let me walk whenever and don't feel the pain.

Running up to the two who were, chuckling at whatever I wasn't interested in. I took a hold of Ten's wrist, yanking him away from Bambam and by my side instead of as the other agent, halted perplexed where'd his chat mate had gone to.

"  Ten, we have to leave " still holding on to his wrist as we made eye contact, his pretty lips agape. Our distance wasn't a few meters away from each other's if we move towards we might even-

" oh, come on Silver, we were just heading to the private bistro "

" but we need- " feeling someone tugging at my sleeve as I saw Ten with his cute, but fierce doe feline eyes.

" and I haven't eaten anything yet! so I am going with Bam " he removed my clutch out of his wrist as he stuck his tongue out at me and went with the other agent, making me annoyed as to why he wanted him to be accompanied by the other when I am right here- I mean what?

𝙉𝙤 𝙊𝙣𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙊𝙛 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬

As Johnny stood on the glass bridge, of the headquarters. That was in-between the medical clinic they had, and the other end was four elevators, side by side, whilst on the other ends of those were other rooms for extra storage and supplies for the private infirmary.

Other exceptional representatives that worked there, were in a hassle as they ran around the HQ, with their own missions they procure, whenever.

The tall agent, stood still where he was. Debating with himself, with the assistance of Sorn who is convincing him about how he truly feels for the smaller but agent Silver kept on refusing. On the other hand, the other two males. One with white hair and one with ebony hair, we're in the elevator waiting for their arrival.

" so how long have you known John for? " the hybrid asked as he looked up at the medical proficient,

" I've known him since I have gotten to this agency, he and I barely see each other due to various missions we receive from our bosses and our departments "

" oh, so he had worked here longer? " Bambam nodded, as a yes.

" oh, so you mean Johnny is from the South Korea division? "

" sometimes, but he is really set in Chicago HQ " Ten then understood why the taller had an American accent.

" wait, if you are a medical agent then what is Johnny's position? " just then the elevator dinged, as it opened automatically on their destined floor.

" he is best at tracking but he could do all very well and ranked top 3 on the best agents in the organization "

Ten blinked multiple times trying to comprehend that Johnny is one of their best agents around ' maybe that is why he was the one sent to find me' he thought - as the hybrid thought and processed this Bambam,

Led the way through innumerable employees. Coming in and out of the diner, others took take-outs, others just picked some from the menu as they go out and pick a place in the HQ they are satisfied and eat there, last but not least the ones who actually stay in the place for an amount of time until they called once more for another assignment.

" are those, levitating automatic and see-through trays?!?! " the sudden fascination from the hybrid didn't become unnoticed, as the workers looked at him with confusion while others found it adorable that he looked like a lost kitten happily getting amazed.

" yes Ten they are - and we are going to get our food with those as well " Ten smiled cheerfully at this as he quickly grabbed Bambam and pushed him through the crowds. Heading straight to wherever, unknown to them they were being viewed from above.

Seo was resting his arms on the rails of the glass bridge, as Sorn still preaches him about the hybrid he is smiling so fondly at the moment, even though he was with his friend and not him he couldn't help but just smile. Sorn took notice of this and laughed as the tall man's attention diverted to her.

" you are clearly whipped " 

" me? Whipped? For who? " Sorn displayed a resting bitch face that screams she is so done with the Chicago man, honestly is he really this stupid and dense?

" that's it, I'm done " raising both of her hands up, quickly walking away from the taller, as the other was surprised and bewildered at her actions " hey! What did I say?! " he then made an effort to run after the Sorn, and make her explain what he had meant.

Evidently, Seo Johnny is whipped for a certain hybrid.
Indeed, Chittaphon is fascinated by the fact about the agent aaaaaaand he is still fabulous.

𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐭 - 𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now