᯽ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 ᯽

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𝙉𝙤 𝙊𝙣𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙊𝙛 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬

Ten looked at him questioningly, " and why would I do that? " the hybrid then aimed at one of the man's head, without even looking at them as he shot with ease. He could hear them shuffle as they take cover from him while reloading their guns.

" can't you go on a day without arguing with me? "

" no, I cannot John and plus I can handle myself now. What is your so-called plan that you have to blow up the freaking sundeck hedge? " Before Johny could've replied he then got pushed, still holding onto the bags he had packed with him filled with gadgets and stuff they need.

" what the hell was that for? " as he saw Ten, trying to be covered and looking back and forth with the opposer inside the room. " is that a thank you I get? " the agent tilted his head, " what do you mean? " Ten sighed irritatedly as he shot someone again on the arm that was fast to dodge it, the enemy returned it but missed his shot to the hybrid.

" do your damn plan, and I'll cover you. Obviously "

" but- "

" Seriously, I can jump off this building and be fine, can you do that? No right? Now zip it and go down the building with no broken bones. I'll be down before you even know it " Johnny just zipped his mouth as he knew that what the smaller was saying was true. " fine " the hybrid smiled at this as the agent did listen to him, as he continued shooting with a little bit of difficulty as his clothes were still loose.

The taller then proceeded his procedure, trusting Ten that he could handle the opponents, he then opened the tiny pouch of the bag, as he took ahold of the yellow square, having lines of blue fours wrapped around it securely. Taking one of the blue fours as he counted to three, then throwing it down from the building.

Seconds later, just then an inflatable covered, a spot where you could safely land on from a specific distance. Johnny looked over the edge as he saw it was now set up - tossing the two bags down, as it landed where it needed to be. Glimpsing at Ten who already took down half of the rivals.

Johnny smirked, impressed with the smaller, honestly, he would admit that he looked hot at the moment but no out loud of course. Walking over to the verge, as he turned around facing his back on the boundary as he faces building, swiping on the far left side of his belt, as it provided him a sturdy black thin rope, with a clamp.

Extending it as much as he can, as he then threw it up in the air - automatically hooking itself to a tract that would keep him stable if he goes down. Grabbing a pair of gloves from his suit as he looked over to Ten who is still slightly suffering from the loose pants making him chuckle at this.

" you can make your suit slim fit, by double-tapping your buckle in the middle! " Those were the last words of the agent before he grabbed the rope and with one hand as he jumped from the ledge, going down the building cooly.
Hearing those, Ten didn't hesitate to stop shooting and did what the agent advised him to do.

The buckle lit up, in the color of the suit as it presently tightens on his body making its slim fit. He nodded in approval as he checked himself out, appeased. With one last shot, his gun was out of bullets, as he had scanned there are still four more people inside.

Tossing the gun somewhere as it was useless now, Ten started stretching as he hid. Some jiffies departed, he heard some mumbles and footsteps coming closer, he then positions himself and prepared his oh so delicate but hurtful claws that he shows rarely.

As soon as the person in all black gear, appeared before him, with no wavering he then grabbed the gun that was attempting to shoot, lowering the gun down with force as the hybrid elbowed the man on the face, and kneeing his private area, with so much pain the bastard, groaned and had let go of the gun he held.

With this Chittaphon then take the gun with him and he hit it at the back of the head of that rival as the person became unconscious, just so two more came for him. Ducking once he saw an aimed punched towards his face, but too quick for them as Chittaphon, clawed both of their legs - one in the left and one in the right.

Their scratched legs bled, that didn't bother the smaller though as he kicked both of their guns out of their grasp. They limped as they arranged themselves into a fighting stance Ten in between the two taller men. With a smirk plastered on Ten's face as the two men looked at each other as a signal ready to engage at the smaller.

Just as the did so, both of the enemies with a great force raised their fists up high, coming towards Ten quickly - but he did not budge as he closed his eyes, waiting once the perfect timing he then jumped, as the two hit each other instead of the face, Ten doing a backflip, just perfectly landing on the near edge with the broken frontier.

The two stumbled backward as they throw insults at each other, the hybrid took this chance to kick the man on the left hand at the back as he got pushed, having an impact on the wall making nose broken as it oozed with blood, the other then attacked Ten as well hitting him on the stomach, as Ten held on to where he got punched but regained his strength almost immediately.

He grabbed the enemy's shoulder, as he dug his nails in the skin of his opponent - the man screamed in agony at the pain, as Ten removed his deadly claws onto the man he then put him in a headlock, suffocating him. The man tried to fight back by squirming but Ten had a really rigid hold, having enough with the struggling he just snapped the man's neck.

Just before he could've turned around someone grabbed his tail harshly - before he could have been pulled, the antagonist was shot through his heart. Ten looked down as he spotted Johnny from down the building holding a sniper smiling at him smugly, Ten smiled back at the agent.

As he looked at the destroyed hotel suite they were in, with no delay he hopped off the balcony, having great reflexes as he came down the building gracefully - with the agent watching his every move with fascination. He slung the sniper over his shoulder as he ran towards Ten with both the bags.

" damn you look like shit "

" can say the same to you dumbass "

They both laughed at each other's remarks as they started to run away from the building, looking for where there was at, with Ten being attentive with their surroundings and Johnny protecting and securing him.

But in a great distance, a person with an intimidating and dark ambiance watched them closely and carefully. Dialing someone through his phone " Boss, it's true " with a response from the other line that an unknown creature then kept his phone as a dark blue flam surrounded him as he disappeared into thin air.

𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐭 - 𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now