᯽ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙉𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 ᯽

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𝙉𝙤 𝙊𝙣𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙊𝙛 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬

" Not gonna lie, that was not that bad " Ten panted, with Johnny laying down on his chest where he could hear the smaller's heartbeat, making him feel at peace and the way Ten played with his hair - not until the hybrid decided to destroy the ambiance.

" not bad? says the one who can't even stand up " Ten chuckled, with the way Johnny looked at him while squinting his eyes smugly, his eyes attributing pride and dignity. Making Ten push his face not to hard, " shut up okay? don' tell anyone I was the bottom " it was Johnny's turn to laugh.

" sure, you totally topped me " he rolled his eyes at the hybrid's request who stuck his tongue out - Johnny went back to his previous comfortable place, but this time he hugged Ten tighter and inhaled his sweet scent of aroma.

Vanilla and flower-scented, having a mix of light honey was also presented in the just the hybrid's smell making him addicted to his essence, unknowingly. Inhaling more of this addictive fragrance, " Hey John, did you know you were my first? " Johnny looked at up at him once more and left his pleasing position.

Feeling guilt as he was so rough on the smaller, with his first time he should've been more considerate and taken of gently since it's a special experience for anyone. " why didn't you stop and told me Ten? I was so drastic with you " Ten sat up with the help of the agent supporting him, Ten placed his hand on the cheek of the taller and gave him a short and innocent peck on the lips.

" I am alright John, and it was really a fantastic and unexpected ordeal. Don't be so guilty, you dumbass " can't help but smile at the smaller's words, as he connects their foreheads, with closed eyes. They enjoyed being there for each other at this moment of bliss.

" honestly I didn't expect this outcome with you especially with that attitude of yours " Johnny ruined the moment of silence once more, making Ten smack him on the biceps - grabbing the taller by the neck as he laid back down with the agent with him in his arms.

" you seriously are such a jerk " Johnny burying his face onto the crook of Ten's neck filled with blossoming imprints made by him, lovingly.  " but I'm your one and only jerk though " Ten shook his head at this with a bright smile but he could've sworn that he felt some unknown but wanted feeling when the agent said that, while Johnny pouted unconsciously as the hybrid didn't give him a proper response not knowing what was going on with Ten in the inside.

For some moment of time, Ten's eyes became heavy and he couldn't keep it open any longer. Yawning, Johnny looked up from his place, and noticed the sleepy hybrid in his protective hold - giggling, as he sat up making Ten blinks rapidly, but didn't protest when Johnny lifted him up and placed the hybrid, on his chest this time.

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