᯽ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 ᯽

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𝙉𝙤 𝙊𝙣𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙊𝙛 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬

" now that's how you treat your guests right " Ten was so satisfied with the meal he had just eaten, the medical specialist just smiled at what he was saying. Heading their way back to the infirmary not until Bambam's phone started to ring out loud, startling the hybrid who was chilling.

" that is a really boring right one " Ten stopped his tracks with Bambam who rolled his eyes and answered the call, putting it on speaker as so. " go to the 104 fly expanse, bring Ten with you. Quick " both of them recognized that voice as it was Johnny, hanging up on them before they could've even reacted.

" well you heard him let's go " the white-haired male, grab a hold of Ten as they started to jog their way to the assigned room they asked to be in or regardless ordered to be in, the hybrid tripping from here and there from the unexpected interior of the floor they are stepping onto.

" Seriously it's just John, we don't have to be on time "

" Ten, that's the thing it's Johnny and he could whoop my ass if he wanted to " Ten squinted his eyes unbelievably at the one pulling him now much more hastily. " will he really though " as if the medical profession agent didn't hear him as he picked up his pace once more and reached the room, finally.

The worker panted, as the hybrid just stood there like he hadn't run across the whole building, " seriously you guys have low stamina "

" well, I can't do anything about that. We humans can't compare, so will you please just enter? " Ten chuckled at the heavy breather, he then approached the awaited room, where they ( specifically him )are asked to come into. Realizing what type of room the smaller was about to enter.

His eyes widened for the nth time that day, in one place exclusively. The opening was all glass, as it just showed an empty area, only filled with empty rooms from top to bottom, like it has been relinquished but the fact that it was stunningly pristine was amazing as if it was shining and blinding due to the lights it illuminated.

" so uhm how do I enter? " bewildered at how at what exactly this room holds, if it's deserted like this, thinking that if Johnny wanted them to be there then why isn't he there himself?

" just go straight through it Ten, every single expansion of that glass is literally an entrance " Bambam then got his breathing back to normal as well as his composure, the hybrid then rolled his eyes " I so work here " with a fake smile plastered on his face, while Bambam rubbed his nape from the recollection about that fact.

Facing the emptiness, once more as he sighed and reached out towards the glass. His hand hovered over it, as he finally went a little closer. His hand went through the glass as if it wasn't there, making Ten jumps back and grab a hold of his hand that he thought disappeared.

" How the fuck " Bambam just laughed lowly, passing by the frightened hybrid. With no indecisiveness, he went through the glass wall, vanishing right before Ten's eyes. Looking around as he had no choice but to do the same, curious but a hint of skittish he felt.

Bring back the brave and bold character, he then began to stride towards the seeming wall. Closing his eyes for a bit until a radiant flash blinded him, not knowing what to expect he got used to the brilliance of the expanse. Once more his mouth agape and his eyes wandered around a room he had never predicted to behold.

The vacancy was replaced with extraordinary fabrications that weren't discovered before utmost. The quantity of the space was filled with artisans in their own stations scattered all around the place, but it still managed to look organize in their eyes, as they maintained it already.

They were wearing grey lab coats displaying that they were in the flight division or developer field, but the hall was only filled with technologies that alleviated against gravity itself. People running here and there with their clipboards filled with numerous enumerations and representations of their endeavor.

A lot of enthralling mechanisms were exhibited right before the hybrid, " cool huh? " Bambam spoke right beside him, as the smaller nodded with gleaming eyes, his eyes darted everywhere. " what do you mean cool? it's tremendous, like - what the hell?! " he exclaimed loudly, making the other workers looking at him questioningly.

Realizing that there were eyes boring onto him as he had just disrupted their department with his loud arguments, he just looked at them and smiled innocently, but also not caring what he just did - continuing to rant about the place to the embarrassed medical envoy.

" Ten! " someone calling him, as the hybrid stopped and the other looked where the voice from. Both waited for the tall man to approach them, especially Ten who did not dare to move away from his tiny spot since he had felt like if he ever to shift he would not hesitate to explore the whole place and try on everything he finds anything intriguing.

Finally, the agent came to a stop reaching the two comers, " Took you long enough " Johnny crossed his arms as he glared at Bambam, who just ignored it. " it wasn't my fault, this human was too slow " Johnny and Ten laughed at what the smaller said as the medical representative, rolled his eyes at the two who were teasing him.

" I apologize, but this is exactly why I'm an indoor employee not out " the two crackheads just nodded, " anyways now that you're here, we need to head to the private jet immediately " before Ten could've consulted, he then got dragged by the arm with Johnny clutching his wrist the other agent was just left there - going through the devices all the devices that were dispersed.

Not even bothering to complain at the moment, as he just focused on what's around him, flying gadgets here to there. Halting, as they stopped in front of another two huge metal doors, only higher rank agents or assigned staffers were allowed to pass into.

Finally, the hybrid realized, that Johnny was still holding onto his wrist. Without no idea, his heart started to beat unusually which made him disturbed as to why. The taller didn't seem notice what was happening to the smaller with just his sudden action, as he had stated his agent inquiry onto the defenses the boundary had before you could enter.

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