flooding feelings (3)

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All the drive to Taehyun's apartment went in a flash, Yeonjun didn't realise he'd arrive already. He parked his car and headed towards block F#102; Taehyun's apartment. The effect Taehyun had on Yeonjun had Yeonjun biting his lip in anticipation as he headed to Taehyun's place.

A minute or two later, he found himself on the younger's floor looking up at the numbers the doors had on em. There he found it. F#102. Well......

Yeonjun, a guy who was well-known for acting fast in sticky situations found himself taking his sweet time in just pressing Taehyun's doorbell.

After wasting a good minute there, he decided, that this was a "now or never" situation. He had professional reasons to be there and the job must be done. So his almost shaky fingers finally pressed the doorbell.....for a second or two. But, only to be answered by silence. Weird, thought Yeonjun. He pressed again, a second longer than before. Silence again. What the? Is Taehyun not home? Or is he intentionally not opening the door? Does he know it's Yeonjun? He could be asleep as well. While Yeonjun wondered all the aforementioned things he experienced some footsteps approaching the door from within the apartment. He froze. What now. Will Taehyun act-

"Who is it?" Taehyun asked in a lazy tone from behind the door, not opening it just yet.

Yeonjun was slow to answer so Taehyun asked again. "Goodness who is it?" Annoyance visible in his tone.

"I-its me! Yeo-Choi Yeojun!"...uhh your boss...please we must talk...."


"Taehyun? C'mon at least let me in..."


"I'm-" Yeonjun's sentence didn't continue. It couldn't. Taehyun opened the door. "Hello" he quietly mumbled as he moved a little bit on the side, gesturing Yeonjun to head in.

The reason it took Taehyun this long to open the door was because having Yeonjun visit him was not even the last thing he'd expect. He almost went into a panic attack when he realized it was Yeonjun on the door. What was he here to do? Scold him for all the dramatic behaviour back at the office? He couldn't take it. But as Yeonjun soothed him through his calm talk, he caved in and let the taller boy in

Taehyun kept his gaze low, strictly to the floor. Further agitating the awkwardness in the room. "This way" he pointed towards the couch in his living room, hinting Yeonjun that he should take a seat. And he did. But Taehyun. He just stood at least 8 foot away from the couch. His arms hanging loosely on the sides with his eyes fixed on the floor. The silence suffocating both of then

Yeonjun could not take it so he decided to get it straight and leave. Not to mention that Taehyun was in an entirely different outfit; an oversized black shirt that had the audacity to hang very loosely around the younger boy's neck, occasionally revealing his collarbones as the boy moved. Accompanied by black shorts....mid thigh shorts. His brown locks messy with his ridiculously gorgeous bare face. Well...this was umm..hot? Yes hot. So hot, Yeonjun's chest tightened. He couldn't just have him stand there in front of him and stare at the stupid floor. So he spoke

"How are you?" Maintaining his chill. Keeping it professional. While the latter replied in a split second as if he was rushing it all


"You do know why I'm here right?

"I-be-because you...I..." Taehyun could not really answer, he still wasn't over the fact that Yeonjun had visited him.

"Well....I'm here to, you know umm..sort out the misunderstandings abo-Taehyun please sit down, you're standing so far I doubt if u can hear me clearly" Yeonjun felt awkward by the distance.

"Oh, I..can hear you"

Yeonjun gave him a bored look "but I insist" he said calmly

Taehyun made his way to the couch's other end than the one Yeonjun was sitting at. With his gaze still fixed on the ground.

"Taehyun" Yeonjun started. "Whatever happened today at the office today was clearly...uhh...I dont know, I mean it wasn't very useful? Yeah useful. I've dealt with similar cases before and they're pretty sensitive. And I understand you're a psychologist, so your approach to all these cases is very sensitive and I know I don't favor your Ideas that often but I admire u equally as I admire my other members...um maybe even slightly more and...whatever happened today left me really upset, you're an honor to the entire team we can't afford to lose you, please try to understand and i-" Yeonjun was cut when he heard the younger boy sniff. Why?

"Taehyun, what's wrong? I'm not scolding you" said the taller as he scooted closer to Taehyun. The younger wiped his eyes, though his face was hanging low, and his brown hair were covering his eyes but Yeonjun could make out the boy was crying.

"Taehyun? At least say something" Yeonjun almost begged

"I-im sorry, I didn't want to disrespect you today" was all Taehyun could say

Yeonjun was confused. That was Taehyun's concern? What?


"I said I'm sorry, you're right, whatever happened today was just, weird. I was mad at Jimseok but poured it all on you, I know I shouldn't have, I admire you a lot, I look up to you and am always working on impressing you but today I just messed it all up and I'm sorry" there he said it

Yeonjun was past speechless for a moment. There was a very piercing silence in the room.

"I'm sorry too, I know you're mad about me preferring other members' ideas over yours and-"

"Sir, I understand" Taehyun said firmly.

"No, listen to me" Yeonjun said as he scooted even closer to Taehyun to the point where their sides touched. "I can sense this certain insecurity in you, don't you think it's better if you communicate it?"

"No, its nothing" says Taehyun now looking at Yeonjun.

Yeonjun pressed further "Taehyun, how will we maintain a smooth, professional relationship if you keep things bottled up?"

"Because that's what professional relationships are like" Taehyun said, still looking directly at Yeonjun

"Then maybe we can discuss it personally?" Yeonjun's face got dangerously close to Taehyun's as his hands attempted to grab the younger's waist. Taehyun's mind went blank, he couldn't properly process what was going on.

Yeonjun felt Taehyun tensing up, he didn't want Taehyun to get the wrong idea and think of Yeonjun as a perverted freak. He was sincere about him and wanted him to know just that. So he pulled back himself from the younger immediately.

"I'm sorry" Yeonjun said quickly and his his face in his hands. He was beyond embarrassed.

"Sir?" Taehyun muttered

"I'm very sorry Taehyun, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for making you insecure at work, I'm just really sorry"

Taehyun wasn't dumb to let that go. Yeonjun just spilled out his heart in front of him.

Gathering his confidence, he grabs one of Yeonjun's hands and gently remove it from his face. "Please elaborate on the "discuss it personally" part." Taehyun said with an irresistible smirk

Yeonjun had enough. Leaned in further and whispered against Taehyun's lips "call it unprofessional or against work ethics but its true that I find you too pretty for an employee" Taehyun blushed, hard. Yeonjun continued "let me kiss you Taehyun, please" that came out as begging. Who was Taehyun to deny his boss?

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