ms. Lee Haru (12)

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This picture is by ohnamjesus. She made these beautiful eyes of Beomgyu by themselves, make sure to check her book! They're awesome!


Taehyun tried to ignore it but how much can one ignore? He tried to get distracted but that's the only thing that he could think about. How long was this suffering for?

Who tf does she think she is huh? Does she really think dressing up pretty and being clingy around Yeonjun would get her the attention she wants from him? Does she feel like she could call him "oppa" at work and make it look professional? Yeonjun doesn't even know her like this then where's all this confidence coming from?

Whenever she'd walk into the room Taehyun could feel his mood dying instantly. But despite all this he kept it to himself....but for how long could he? It's been a couple weeks already!

Lee Haru. Another team's head just like Yeonjun, basically their colleague could use some beating by now. She has been showing extra flirty behaviour towards Yeonjun resulting in pissing Taehyun off. She winks at him even when they're at a meeting, touch his shoulders too much and call him "oppa". Oppa. Oppa. Oppa. That's something only Taehyun could address Yeonjun with ok?!

Taehyun thought it would somehow end but it only increased. He even felt Yeonjun being uncomfortable whenever she gets too clingy or adresses him unprofessionally but he didn't communicate it with Yeonjun. Heck, he didn't even tell him how fucking pissed he was.

Weeks went by and Taehyun silently kept getting mad just like that.


Just like any other day Taehyun walked into the office, casually yet formally greeting his colleagues as he made his way to his office.

As soon as he got seated, he pulled out some files and started studying the new cases. Within minutes he got really engrossed into work. After a while he looked up for any new emails and responded to them, then he went back to those files. During that time he realized how a few lines on the a page were printed all blurred. So he thought maybe his boss would know better what to do with it. So that's what he did, he picked up those files, got up feeling excited to see his love and get his work problem solved too.

Yeonjun's office was two floors ahead of where Taehyun's was located, so the younger attempted to go through the elevator.

As he got out of the elevator he quickly made it to the end of the hallway to Yeonjun's office. He gently knocked on it twice and a second later heard Yeonjun responding "come in". A little loud since the door was shut. Taehyun smiled as he grabbed the door knob and twisted it. He entered the room and bowed at Yeonjun. Yeonjun bowed to Taehyun slightly while sitting in his chair. He smiled and gestured for him to take a seat. Taehyun took a seat, the files in his lap.

"What brings the pretty boy here?" Yeonjun said completely ignoring the work he was doing earlier as he rested his elbows on the desk and leaned a bit forward. His mood lit up instantly at Taehyun's unexpected visit. Taehyun blushed as he smiled.

"I was studying the files from yesterday and turns out this case of murder had some lines printed blurred on the sheets, it's so confusing and I can't proceed to study ahead without getting to understand what these lines say, I bet it's something crucial." Taehyun said as he put the files on Yeonjun's desk and turned to the pages that had the printing problem.

"Hmmmm" Yeonjun analyzed the file. "Well I'm sorry, but I have a copy of these and they're printed properly" Yeonjun said as he casually opened one of his drawers on the desk and swiped out the said file handing to Taehyun.

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