Got you so good! (15)

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"Your tits are so huge you need a bra!" Taehyun exclaimed excitedly as he stared at Yeonjun's bare chest in awe.

The older just got out of the shower and after drying himself off he was just openly putting on clothes in front of Taehyun. His cock was out too but something else caught Taehyun's attention better.

Yeontiddies. Yes that very muscular chest of Choi Yeonjun. The chest that makes the author practically drool and lose her smol mind and just-

Yeonjun laughed loudly at Taehyun's comment.

"But I'm not kidding though! Your boobs need support and I bet you'd rock the look too."

"Yeah?" Yeonjun finished putting on a comfortable attire and jumped on Taehyun on the bed, landing with a not so soft thud.

"Ooof!" Taehyun gasped, and Yeonjun kissed all over his handsome face making the younger giggle.

He pulled back and looked at Taehyun's handsome face, smiling admiringly.

"What?" Asked Taehyun, though he clearly knew that Yeonjun was adoring him, but Taehyun liked Yeonjun saying romantic things to him.

"I'm....admiring the finest of God's creations"

Taehyun blushed so hard he whined and shuffled to reach his face and hide it in his hands making Yeonjun chuckle.

He took both of Taehyun's wrists and pinned them on the sides of the younger's hand, loving the way he struggled to free himself under the older but to no use.

"Dont hide your blush precious, you look so pretty."

Taehyun couldn't bear Yeonjun's gaze down on him, he would catch himself on fire like this. "Yeonjun....kiss me".

Yeonjun smiled. "Whatever my prince likes." And leaned in forward to place a very gentle peck on Taehyun's lips, that stayed longer than a typical one.

He pulled back smiling down at his prince.

"Anything else you'd be please to experience my prince?"

Taehyun giggled. Then he made his expressions go all serious. "Massage my beautiful, royal feet."

Yeonjun laughed and Taehyun laughed too but Yeonjun sat back straight and right beside Taehyun's feet. He took them in his lap and gently massaged them.

Taehyun held back his laugh and proceeded with the act. He moaned loudly, showing his pleasure.

While Taehyun enjoyed that massage he decided on asking Yeonjun something that was bothering him.

"Yeonjun I heard miss Lee Haru fainted in the meeting of the heads today, can you verify this information?"

"Ahaha, yeah she did" Yeonjun said nervously knowing how much Taehyun disliked Haru.

"And you didn't do anything?"

"N-no sir. I d-didn't" Yeonjun said looking at Taehyun in the eyes, showing his truthfulness.

"Why, if I may ask" Taehyun cocked a brow, being very serious all of a sudden.

"Because I thought that you wouldn't like it" Yeonjun said while staring down at Taehyun's feet, he mumbled his response with a pout.

"Hmmm, then what happened" Taehyun asked, voice still very serious and so were the expressions.

"Some other heads got up and helped her to the clinic, that's all"

"Hmmm, good boy. I'm so proud of you. You make daddy happ-" Taehyun couldn't continue his sentence as he burst out in laughter, catching Yeonjun off guard.

Then Yeonjun got it. Taehyun was just playing around but his acting is so intense that he got Yeonjun.

"YAH! YOU BRAT!" Yeonjun screamed laughing.

But Taehyun was too quick to get caught, he quickly removed his feet from Yeonjun's grip and ran off out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Yeonjun chasing after him.

"I cant believe you really got me there aahh!" Yeonjun yelled as he chased the giggling cutie.

They ran all over the apartment, their laughter and screams lighting up the atmosphere. Yeonjun kept playfully threatening Taehyun to which the younger would squeal loudly and giggle while running around the house.

Finally, he did catch Taehyun by his waist and pinned him down on the floor. Both panting, but laughing like idiots.

After they finally caught their breaths, Taehyun spoke "Got you so good!"

"Mhmm, and you looked so hot being all dominant with me"

Taehyun whispered "and you looked so inviting, being all innocent with me" he said that in a sultry voice and pulled Yeonjun by his shirt into a kiss.

Both their lips followed an improvised rhythm of love as their tongues danced to the strumming of each other's heart beats. They made out lovingly on the floor as their bodies got closer by every passing second. Taehyun wrapped his arms around Yeonjun's neck and Yeonjun very securely wrapped his around Taehyun's waist as he pulled back but yet not breaking the kiss. He sat up straight and then managed to get up with Taehyun wrapped around him. The younger's hands around the older's neck and thighs around his waist, while Yeonjun supported him by a firm grip on the shorter boy's waist. Their make out session proceeded without any hurdles, not breaking once.

Yeonjun started heading to the bedroom while still sucking on Taehyun's bottom lip. As he got in, he gently laid Taehyun on the bed and pulled away from the kiss, watching his boyfriend pout at the loss of contact.

"We must sleep kitten, right?" Yeonjun whispered as he got on the bed too, positioning himself behind Taehyun and then turning him to face him. He placed his head on his arm and deeply kissed Taehyun's head. Taehyun whispered back "yes oppa", as the wrapped his arm Yeonjun's chest. Both boys slowly drifting into the unconscious.

"But seriously though, do get a bra Yeonjun" Taehyun mumbled while fondling his already sleeping boyfriend's clothed upper chest.


(A/N) : this chapter is short and unplanned so I apologise if it didn't work for you, really, I'm sorry.
But you guys are the best, I love you all🥺 tysm for supporting "precious" 💋💋
I miss you all, please take good care, I wish I was there right by you to take care of you myself. Drink plenty of water and cum a lot ok? Love ya!

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