d-don't hold back-aah (9)

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Taehyun sighed for the nth time but it was fortunately not heard in the meeting room as they were having their forensic's expert give a presentation, all her work was presented in an audiovisual manner, loud and clear.

Yeonjun pressed on Taehyun's thigh yet again, earning another sigh from the younger.

Taehyun already had a semi-hard cock, he just needed a distraction and it could go. But Yeonjun was pushing on it.

He tried attempting to remove his hand or plead him with puppy eyes but Yeonjun wouldn't fucking budge. He kept teasing the younger anyway. Good thing the room was dark because the audiovisual presentation required such settings in order to process.

Taehyun scooted just a little close and whispered "Yeonjun please" he begged.

Yeonjun only smirked at him "why babe?"

Because-ugh why not?! Taehyun whisper-yelled

"Give me a good reason"

"What reason? Its inappropriate during meeting!'' Taehyun was almost panicking. It only entertained yeonjun.

More like....you're enjoying it yourself hm baby? Yeonjun suggested with a hot smirk.

"Sh-shut up" Taehyun spoke with trouble

"Hmm fine" Yeonjun spoke bored. He also quickly pulled his hand back and thats right when Taehyun realized he wanted to be touched, it only tempted him, despite being within a meeting room full with people he wanted his touch. He instantly regretted Yeonjun pulling back his hand.

Taehyun whispered to Yeonjun "mmm I'm sorry please touch meee" he begged pulling his hand back to his thigh but Yeonjun resisted, pretending as if he's mad at Taehyun.

"Thought its inappropriate" he retorted.

"I don't care....please, please daddy" Taehyun whispered the last part seductively.

"Hmm. How bout...no?" It made Taehyun whine a little too loud gaining attention from the members.

He got tense. Yeonjun asked "what is it mr.Kang?" Pretending to have no idea about the situation.

Even the presenter paused her video, resulting in all the attention to shift to Taehyun. (A/N: damn this presenter 😂)

"Uhh..." was all Taehyun could say as he tensed up even more in the room, too many pairs of eyes making him uncomfortable.

"What was that?" Yeonjun pressed further, he was really enjoying this.

Taehyun couldn't even excuse himself to the restroom or something, because if he'd stand up anyone could easily notice his boner.

He just sulked back into the chair and let out a sigh "I just feel a little....ah sick" he said breathlessly, with sweat on his face.

That was actually a good excuse, everyone bought it. Of course except Yeonjun.

"Well... you know where the clinic is...can you walk there by yourself?" Yeonjun suggested with a very slick smirk.

Taehyun wanted to punch Yeonjun. "N-no I'm fine. Please continue with your presentation" he said looking at the presenter. She nodded with a weird expression but the video was resumed, and within a minute everyone was back indulged in the presentation.

Taehyun relaxed a bit. He decided he'd try to get distracted by the presentation. But that got cancelled when Yeonjun whispered to him "play along puppy".

That confused him. But he nodded, just what was on Yeonjun's mind now?

"Get up, I'll support you on the way, you don't look so good" wtf?

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