The Day After [♬37]

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Please read the authors notes at the end of this chapter!
Imagine falling in love with Shawn Mendes at his concert, and him falling for you, not actually meeting till the day after.

Requested by @Vbrideofharrystyles

I saw him the same way that every girl saw him

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I saw him the same way that every girl saw him. I knew he was perfect, but seeing him was completely different. I hadn't liked anyone, ever, and Shawn Mendes was the exception.

I saw him, and yet my heart skipped a beat, I honestly thought I was fantasying about him, but seeing him only confirmed my love for him. It wasn't perfect. It is awful ... I know.

I am a fan, like a million other girls. I dream of him falling in love with me, him looking through the crowd, and seeing me. Falling for me, seeing through me, instantly knowing who I am. I would tell him everything, all with just one look.

I and thousands of girls with the same thought. In reality, I wouldn't be included in the couple hundred he remembered. I wasn't even a VIP. I was just another girl in the crowd.

Yet, when he looked at me, my heart still stopped. I know he was probably just looking in my direction, probably wasn't looking at anyone specifically, but I again couldn't breathe. He kept staring, and I didn't look away, either. I smiled and, he smiled back, but Shawn was always smiling.

I don't know if it was incredible or heartbreaking. The idea that he looked at me and the realization that he wasn't actually.

He didn't fall in love with me through the crowd, my dreams were crushed like all the other fans, but the day after was different.

I live in New York City, trying to make a living, I work four jobs. I am a coffee barista, an online English teacher, a dog walker, and an aspiring writer. However, considering the last one hasn't made me a dime, I guess I can't really count that as a job.

My coffee job was in a remote coffee shop at the end of town, we had regulars, but that was mainly it. We had terrific ratings, but when you have 20 Starbucks places within your city, you typically don't see much traffic within local shops. I creat my lessons for my online job within our slow moments at work. I also often try to get a bit of writing done.

I was focused on a crucial part of my soon to be best seller when a customer walked in. I, however, was still glued to my notebook.

"Seventh row, no way." He said

"I am so-" I stopped.

Shawn Fucking Mendes

Seventh Row

"You know-"

"Yeah, I ..." He scratches his head, " I thought you were beautiful, and considering I don't know who you are, I counted the rows."

"Jessica," I shouted.

"Jessica" He smiled

Man, I thought my heart had stopped when he may have been looking at me. I was giving a heart attack when my name rolled off his lips for the first time.

This wasn't happening, because this didn't happen in real life.

"I am just going to grab a plain coffee." He spoke

"Oh, shit, I guess, I should ... take your order." I stuttered, and again, he smiled.

I grabbed his coffee and debated not charging him. I had a feeling that somehow that would offend Shawn more if I were not to charge him. I mean, I am sure he could afford it anyway considering I had spent like a grand last night.

"Thanks, what were you writing?" He asks, peering over towards my notebook.

"Hopefully, a best-seller." I smiled

"Awesome, thanks again, Jess."

I turned around for a quick second to wipe down the machine. It was older. If it didn't get cleaned every time we poured out of it, it would get clogged. By the time I had cleaned it up and turned around, Shawn was gone.

I collected myself and tried to calm down, which took close to an hour. I headed back to my notebook to pick up where I had left off only to notice a phone number written near the top of the page.

"Did you call it?" Skylar asked

I snapped out of my story and looked down as my 7-year-old daughter.

"Of course, I called it. I married him and made him your dad." I smiled

Skyler stood up from her seat and ran over to Shawn, who was just walking through the door.

"Hey," I said


"How was your interview?"

"It was good."

"perfect, I was just telling sky how we met."

"Really? Wow, it seems like ages ago." He laughed, " You know I fell in love with you the moment I saw you at the concert. I was terrified you weren't going to call me back." he smiled.

"Why didn't you just ask me out at the store."

"I was scared. I was hardly holding it together."

You both giggled, sat on the couch, and turned on a movie. Sky crawled up and sat in between the two of you, laughing away to all the funny pieces, and you just sat there, surrounded by the most amount of love you had ever been surrounded by.

 Sky crawled up and sat in between the two of you, laughing away to all the funny pieces, and you just sat there, surrounded by the most amount of love you had ever been surrounded by

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• I WILL BE FOLLOWING the first 5 people who spam this book, you can do this by commenting, liking, or tagging other accounts. I really want to get this books back to where it was before I took a year break (Still sorry about that lol.)

• ALSO IF YOUR NOT ALREADY, please considering giving me a follow. The larger my numbers are, the better my platform looks to an agent (I want to publish my original work in the near future). It take only a few seconds to press the follow button and it helps me a ton. Love you all! And I look forward to meeting some new people and following a few of you ❤️❤️ Love you all.

• LAST THING, I WILL POST the next chapter when this one gets to 250 reads. ( I will eventually post the next chapter lol but I will post right away when I get to 250 reads.) ❤️❤️❤️

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