Luck [♬2]

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Imagine Shawn being worried that you weren't going to make it before he went on stage......

Imagine Shawn being worried that you weren't going to make it before he went on stage

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-----Shawn's P.O.V

"She is on her way, Shawn." My dad restated

"There is a lot of people out there, I am freaking out right now." I huffed out as I took a seat on the chair in my dressing room.

"You just need to relax, you're going to do great."

"Thanks, dad, but I relly need her to tell me that, she has always been there since I was like 6. I am not saying you haven't been there, you have .."

"I know Shawn, just .... breathe."

"Shawn we need you to head backstage in the next few minutes." A stage manager smiled as he popped his head into my room.

"Yeah, of course." I smiled as he walked away. "Shit, she isn't going to make it, shit, shit."


"Sorry, dad."

"Just breathe."

I took a deep breath in and looked to the floor. She had a life too, and maybe I was being selfish, but I needed her to be here.

We had spent every moment together since we were about 6 years old. I always had this ability to take away her pain, where she took away my worries, my nerves. I didn't know how she did it, but yet again I didn't know how I took away her pain.

We told each other everything, details, thoughts, everything. Maybe we depended on each other a little too much, but I couldn't imagine our relationship any other way.

"Ready?" My dad asked

"I guess I have to be right? Now or never."

"You'll be fine Shawn, I promise."

I knew he was right, but in this moment, I thought, I felt like I was going to fall apart, maybe even freeze right there on stage. If any of these things happened, everything would be over.

I headed backstage, ready to perform, one of my first big performances. The nerves weren't getting better, they were getting worse.

Then I heard her, Y/N


"Y/L/N Thank god you're here."

"Of course, I was waiting here. thought you would never show like maybe you backed out." She giggled

"Yeah." I laughed

"Hey, you're going to be great Shawn." She said as she touched my shoulder

And that's all I needed, the nerves were gone, I was ready, and my best friend was here.

"Good luck Mendes, love you."

"You to kid!" I said as I was walking towards the stage

"I am older than you!"

"... NO, your, not." I giggled

"SHAWN MENDES!!" The opening video announced.

I grabbed my guitar and turned to give Y/N once last smiled before making my way onto the stage.

-------------Thanks for the votes and comments on my first imagine, it means a lot to me ❤️      Request an imagine by messaging me❤️

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Thanks for the votes and comments on my first imagine, it means a lot to me ❤️
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