Tattoo [♬38]

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Imagine Shawn needing help with his tattoo 

NOTE- if you don't have tattoos, second skin is a thin wrap that goes on your tattoo for usually 48 hours. You take it off in the shower, but it hurts to take off, especially over the inked pieces. Tattoos are a fresh wound, fresh wound, and tape ... ouch

NOTE – I made the character in the story gay, if you have a problem with that, don't read it... any rude comments will be reported and removed.

 any rude comments will be reported and removed

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Thanks for getting the last imagine to 250 reads, so FAST!! I wanted to write this sooner, but I had my first set of assignments due this week, so I have been writing this imagine in class! LOL

"I know Y/N, this isn't my first rodeo!" Shawn shouted out the bathroom door.

"I know, but all your tattoos have been right in front of you, it's easy to peel off the second skin when it's on your forearm, have fun trying to get it off your bicep!" You shouted back.

You knew he was going to need your help, it made you nervous, and at the same time, you weren't. Shawn was basically your younger brother. You tried to throw the idea out of your head that he was going to need help in the shower. He would properly be fine, though.

When someone says, "best friend," people think about the length of friendship, like the length is what determines who your best friends are. If that were true, you and Shawn wouldn't be best friends.

You and Shawn met at your elementary school grad dance, you spent a lot of time together within the summer before high school, and every day during high school. Your friendship only grew stronger, and no matter what, you had each other.

Your friends that you had met when you were six, these same friends were the first to ditch you in high school. You learned first-hand that length, and time didn't really mean much. It was the connection, loyalty, and quality that meant everything.

Shawn wasn't very popular in high school. When he was singing on YouTube, people made fun of him. However, you were the popular girl. No matter what, you didn't care what anyone thought when you were with Shawn.

Senior year, maybe even the last two years of high school, things changed.

When Shawn began to blow up, people gave him attention. He knew you knew that it wasn't because they liked him, but because they wanted something from him.

Your ex-girlfriend had spread rumors when the two of you broke up, which dropped your popular rating. You didn't care much, though; you knew most of the friends you had were fake anyway.

Shawn was there for you though, he was there when you came out to your parents, to your friends, literally, he was by your side when anything was hard. You tried to do the same for him.

When his grandmother passed away, you tried your best to be there for him, it was hard because your grandpa was sick as well, but he needed you, and you knew you just needed to be there with him.

You stared down at your tattoos, your memorial tattoos, you only had two, but they were significant, and so far, that was all you needed.

"Y/N, I need help," Shawn shouted

You laughed then headed towards the bathroom, you had convinced yourself not to be nervous. He was your best friend, and even if you saw something you shouldn't, it wasn't a huge deal.

The worst thing that could happen is you realize you weren't' actually gay and fall made in love with your best friend, for it only to blow up and ruin everything. Worst that could happen.

You pushed the door open and walked in.

"Didn't manage?" You laughed

"Not at all, can you pass me my towel, I will just let it get soaked," He said, poking his head out of the shower.

"Yeah sure, good idea."

You passed Shawn his towel and waited for him to open the curtain. He opened the curtain and turned around, giving you the back of his arm.

"This is a new level of friendship." He laughed

"Shut up, it's already weird." You laughed with him

You started at the top of the tattoo and slowly pulled the second skin off. Shawn wasn't really wincing until you got to the inked sections.

He started wincing, and you started laughing.

"I haven't even gotten to the color yet like the end is going to be the worst part."

"Thanks, don't need the reminder, ah!"


"It's fine."

You got closer to the flowers within Shawn's tattoo. They were done beautifully, the blues were shaded with elegance, the lines were clean and thin.

"It's a very nice tattoo."

"It hurts like a son of a bitch." He said, wincing as you began to pull the wrap down passed the color and shaded pieces.

"There, done." You said

"Thank god, wasn't that bad."


"Shut up." You both laughed

"Finish your shower, I can help you with the moisturizing if you can't reach the full tattoo."

"Thanks, what would I do without you?"

You smiled as you shut the bathroom door behind you, thankful that the worse didn't happen.

HOW MANY Tattoos do you guys have? I have 9, one in which being a half sleeve!! Also, how have you been?

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HOW MANY Tattoos do you guys have? I have 9, one in which being a half sleeve!! Also, how have you been?

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