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Raiya's POV:

I've been spending the last few days pondering on the weird dream I had. For me, that meant staying inside my room and avoiding all contact with the people in the house. Unfortunately, I've been skipping school because of this so today's the day I have to go back. I now stood in the bathroom, taking off the band-aid and looking at the wound that Subaru gave me, noticing it was healing fairly well, only light scabbing shown.

"Thank God," I muttered.

I changed into a gray sweater and some jeans, feeling the cold air from inside my room. Winter was beginning to appear and I wasn't about to catch a cold in front of six vampires. I let my blonde hair down and covered my neck, not wanting suspicious stares directed at it. I opened the door slowly, looking outside and breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed no one was there. I tip-toed down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing an apple for myself, about to leave when I suddenly hit a wall.

"What the fuck?"

Shu stood there, yawning as he held his bag in his hand, ready to go. The rest of the brothers stood behind him, looking just as tired. Laito grabbed my hand with his cold hand, rubbing his cheek against it.

"Good morning, Bitch-chan~ I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Please don't call me that." I gave him a tight-lipped smile while ripping my hand out of my grasp.

"Ahh~ Your coldness turns me on."

He wasn't lying as I saw lust burning in his bright green eyes. My eyebrow twitched in annoyance at how horny the male in front of me was.

"Tch, pervert."

"You know that's only a compliment for me, Subaru-kun."

I turned my head a bit and made eye-contact with Subaru, only for me to turn away first, not quite able to forgive him for the whole biting incident.

"Okay, well, you guys have fun teleporting or flying to school or whatever. I'm leaving."

I ran out of that place like something was chasing me and Yukiko was waiting outside, chewing on some gum. She waved and I stopped in front of her, giving her a small smile.

"Good morning, Yu."

"Mornin' Rai. Why have you been missing school?"

"Don't even get me started. I'll tell you once we get there."

She seemed to be staring behind me and I turned, seeing the boys eyeing us, waiting.

"Those idiots." I hissed.

I grabbed Yukiko's arm and began walking, their footsteps clear as day behind us. We neared the school and I saw students whispering and pointing at us. I stopped, an irritated smile making its way onto my face as I confronted the males behind me.

"Can you guys not follow so closely behind us? It's causing too much attention."

"What are you gonna do about it, Chichinashi?"

Ayato didn't see it coming but I had already punched him across the face, cracking my knuckles as a dark chuckle left my mouth. He laid on the ground, holding his cheek in shock.

"I warned you last time, didn't I? That you would die the next time you called me that. Prepare yourself, Ayato."

I stepped on his stomach hard, not showing any mercy since I knew this wouldn't kill something like him easily. Students have gathered around us and had their phones out, filming the whole thing. Yukiko was yelling at me to stop but I didn't, feeling the need to let out all of my stress. Ayato managed to get a few hits and we were both breathing heavily, not wanting to back down. I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist as I was pulled away and I looked at my captor, the fire still bright in my pink eyes.

"Put me down, Subaru!"

"Shut up. Ayato, get out of here you look like a mess."

"Tch, Oresama isn't done with her!"

"Ayato, Subaru is right. Clean yourself up." Reiji intervened.

The redhead growled but obeyed, disappearing out of sight. Yukiko looked a bit surprised as Subaru hoisted me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I huffed, pounding on his back.


He began walking as Yukiko silently trailed behind us, ignoring my shouting. We soon arrived inside the nurse's office, Subaru setting me on the bed.

"You. Wait outside," he commanded Yukiko.


He shut the door on her face and I sat there with my mouth open in disbelief.

"Did you really just do that to my friend?"

He ignored me, grabbing a few cotton balls, rubbing alcohol and bandages. He pulled a chair next to me and sat in it, grabbing my cheek gently.

"Stay still."

He dipped the cotton ball into the alcohol and put it on the cut on my lip. I yelped at the stinging sensation, trying to get away but his eyes kept me still. Instead of the usual anger, I saw a hint of worry in them. My breath caught as I stared at his face that showed concentration, a barely noticeable blush on my cheeks. Before I knew it, he was done with the cleaning part and put the bandages where they needed to be applied.

"You could have been killed, idiot." he murmured.

"I know what I'm doing."

"We're vampires, for fuck's sake. We can easily overpower your kind."

"Tell your brother to stop being an asshole. Then, maybe, just maybe, I'll stop getting on your nerves."

He sighed in irritation and flicked my forehead, making me hold it in surprise.

"Why are you helping me, Subaru?"

He paused, seeming to think hard.

"I'm not sure myself." was the answer he came up with.

"Well, thank you," I whispered.

He abruptly stood up and left the room, leaving me and my thoughts alone. Yukiko walked in, taking the seat where Subaru once sat.

"What's with him?"

His expression from earlier was still fresh in my mind as I felt my heart thud heavily. Yukiko waved a hand in front of my face, making me come out of my thoughts.

"Hello? Rai, you okay there?"

"Sorry, I'm fine. I think I should go home."

She nodded, helping me to the entrance.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I said.

She nodded and went back inside. I walked back to my house slowly, letting myself drown in my thoughts once again.

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