13-More Surprises

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Raiya's POV:

It was now lunchtime and I sat on the roof as Yukiko went to go bother Kou some more. I ate my PB&J sandwich absent-mindedly when I heard the door open. Subaru walked out, spotting me and walking over. I scooted over on the bench so he could sit as well and we stayed quiet.

"You want some?"


He took the sandwich, taking an unnecessarily big bite out of it. I sighed, letting him have the rest of it as I drank my hot tea, shivering as the cold wind blew harshly around us.

"If you're cold, go inside idiot."

"But look at how nice the sky is today, Subaru. Doesn't it just calm you?"

It was true. The sky had almost no clouds and the blue was so vibrant, it made me feel at peace. I suddenly felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and I was pulled against a body, warmth enveloping my body, especially my cheeks.

"Subaru!" I squeaked.

"Shut up. If you get a cold, it'll bother all of us."

His answer was mean but I knew there was a deeper meaning behind it. I smiled softly and snuggled into his chest, feeling my chest warm. The only sound was my loud heartbeats and the rustling of the greenery around us.

"Subaru, how do you know Kou?"

He stiffened and I held my breath, knowing that I was stepping into dangerous territory.

"Why do you need to know about him and his brothers?"

"They're brothers?"

He didn't answer and I took that as a yes.

"I only want to know why you and your brothers have so much beef with them. I'm not interested in the beings themselves."

I swear I heard a sigh of relief.

"Hmph, those brothers stole Yui from us one time. My father saved them from dying, turning them into vampires but in turn, they have to obey his orders. He got into their heads that they were to become Adam by nearly draining Yui but luckily, Ayato had saved her. Our families never got along after that."


Yui must have meant a lot to all of these boys if they didn't get along. I sneezed, rubbing my nose with my sleeve.

"Let's go inside," he mumbled.

I nodded and grabbed his outstretched hand, standing up. We walked hand in hand back inside and Subaru stopped in front of the bathroom.

"Head back first. I'll meet you later."

He went inside and I walked back, deep in thought.

'Man, all these bad stories of Subaru's father makes me hate him so much. If what Yui said was true, if I ever meet him, I'll give him a piece of my mind.'

I suddenly bumped into someone, causing papers to scatter everywhere.

"Sorry!" I said, plastering a fake smile on.

I helped them pick up the papers and handed them it, looking up. A male with long blonde hair and pink eyes covered by glasses stood in front of me wearing a lab coat. He strangely reminded me of Subaru but his aura was much more powerful and....threatening.

"I'm sorry dear. Are you okay?"

"Oh no, there's no need to apologize. I wasn't looking at where I was going. Are you new here?"

"Ah yes, I'm the new nurse, Reinhart. Pleased to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. I have to head home so I guess I'll see you when I'm in the nurse's office."

I turned around, eager to get away from him.

"We will see each other very soon, Eve."

I whipped my head back to see he was gone.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

Subaru suddenly appeared next to me, scaring me shitless. He noticed my cautious expression and looked around.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just want to go home."

He nodded and we walked back together, not bothering to wait for his brothers.

-A few hours later-

The sun was setting and I was sitting on my bed with Subaru on the ground, sitting between my legs as my hands were playing with his hair yet again. It was starting to become a habit.

"Can you stop?" he whined with pink cheeks.

I only shook my head, continuing. I saw him gripping my blue rug tightly and tapped his shoulder, a bit concerned.

"What's wrong, Subaru?" I asked, pointing at his hand.

He let go and growled, looking away.

"Talk to me Subaru."


"You dumbass. I said to talk to me." I frowned.

"And I said no."

"Subaru, I thought we were closer than that. You can trust me!"

He paused, making brief eye contact with me.

"My thirst for blood, specifically yours, is becoming stronger. It's like my throat is the driest I've ever felt before. I shouldn't even be in this room, I could kill you."

I tugged the back of his shirt, pulling him towards me easily. His eyes widened at my strength. I moved my blonde hair carefully to the side, holding his big, rough hand comfortingly.

"Please be gentle."

He groaned, instantly biting into my neck hard. His free hand wrapped around my waist and he pulled me close to the point where I was sitting on his lap. I squeezed his hand tight while closing my eyes.

"S-Subaru! I said gently."

His jaw loosened a bit to the point where the bite was just uncomfortable. His loud slurping sounds echoed through the room and I tried blocking the sounds out. Suddenly a knock sounded and Subaru pulled away, startled.


He hesitantly let go and I held my bleeding neck, grabbing a towel and wiping the liquid away. I moved my hair to cover the wound.

"It's fine. I'm going to go answer the door, wait up here."

He nodded and I walked down the stairs to the front door, opening it up to see the same nurse from today standing in front of me.

"How did you find this place?" I asked skeptically.

"Hello, Raiya Kurosaki."

"How do you know my name? This is getting a little creepy, please leave."

He didn't move but a grin was etched onto his face. I heard footsteps behind me and the male in front of me grinned wider.

"What are you doing here, bastard?!" Subaru hissed.

I saw his facial expression and I felt a bit of fear at how angry he looked, eyes wide with pure rage. The rest of the brothers appeared, all feeling the same emotion as Subaru as they eyed the male on my doorsteps.

"I will answer your question soon, Subaru."

He smiled, turning his gaze back to me.

"Won't you let me in?"

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